Autoflower on day 58

My baby was looking flawless then over the days started to look like this… I’ve used the same nutrients on my other plant and it’s flawless showing no deficiency whatsoever any recommendations on what I should do ??


Draining older leaves to feed the flowers. Could it be them buds used up a bunch of minerals. I think when I get a surge of growth or sticky coating then the leaves go drained and if I up the feeding I get another burst of growth and sticky. Do you know any of your soil numbers pH or ppm. Dont pick them off, up the feeding in the correct pH, you didnt say what youre growing in. Nice tops nice leaf shapes

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Should I remove the damaged leafs or leave them on the plant

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I was just going to say just remove the damaged leaves, doesn’t look like there’s many. looks awesome want to be my neighbor LOL good luck


No big deal either way, picking looks nice and prevents dead leaves from gathering on your soil but the next ones will turn yellow sooner. If its still hungry. It might allow some airflow… If that’s lacking

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Yes remove dead leaves - they won’t recover. Did you splash anything on that plant with lights on? I’m bouncing back and forth with lens burn (from water/nutrient splash) and phosphorus deficiency. It doesn’t matter what the other plants are doing, they’ll all do something different.

In flower, they need more P and K but don’t eliminate N… just back way off oif it.

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