Are these nanners in bud?

While examining a very dense Northern Lights bud under a microscope, I found some little yellow things that look like bananas. What are these? Do they indicate male flowers?


In my experience sometimes when you stress the plant it will form male part or turn to a hermy best to remove those the best you can or you will more than likely have bean buds in your flowers

Besides the nanners That is an awesome looking bud. Did you stress the plants in any way?

Newbie here, but I would look at how close they are to harvest and at least snip that bud or that stem to be safe. Dry it and cure it and have a test smoke! I think there are enough red hairs for it to be viable.

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wow, now I gotta worry about stressing out my little greeny or she may grow nanners? If it wasn’t a bad thing it would be hilarious. It sure is pretty though.

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I will tag @WillyJ… Him is having the same problem… Please help him WillyJ

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@ProctorPot If it looks like a nanner, its probly a nanner. Stressed my plants a bit but didn’t see any nanners. But, I did find about 10 seeds in each of my 3 plants.

i found a couple of these in my last run @M4ur, another reason i cut them down when i did. lol one of the blueberry plants.
never really stresssed them, except for leaning them over and putting up a screen.


It dosnt take much to stress a plant temp changes over or under water plenty of things


i’m lucky,i was at the end anyway…it impacted harvest some but we will carry on with knowledge…lol


oh man, microscope?

i been pretty scared about the prospect of this, and my canopy has gotten REALLY thick. I have 10 plants. Any advice on being on the lookout? All plants are in preflower or early flower right now. 1st grow

Yes sir those are some bananas. I would try picking them out. I had a few in my last grow but they didn’t show up until right before harvest and didn’t effect my yield or anything.

Good info. I would wrap a bag around it just to make sure you don’t break em and drop some pollen and jack up the whole crop then cut it off and cut them nanners out and flush them. Ok peeps I will catch yall laterz have to finish my bloodborne pathogens training. Peace.


They normaly show up towards theb end as a last ditch effort to pollinate its self so the plant and grow on but if your willing to sacrifice a few bud those seeds will be femmy seeds. When the female plant make a male part the dna will be female and not male thus taking out the chance of getting a male from the seed

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Yes they look to be nannas like the others say you can pluck them …recommend wetting them before you do…(just nannas not whole plant) how far along are you? If not to far in and you have others in same room you may want to pull it out…I just had to pull one of mine I’m at 4 weeks dont want to jeopardize the others plus no time to be scanning the plant constantly trying to find them…if they’re only on one bud you can also wrap it up an cut it off but keep a close eye on the plant…good luck

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BSI, and don’t lick anything you can’t identify :sunglasses:


Does that not increase the chance of heermie seeds down the road. A grower I talk to owns a hydro store and sells seeds he told me fem seeds are the one thing he wont sell cause its from a hermie and eventually you will end up with a batch of hermies and I don’t know how true it is but that’s what he told me when I started growing.


LOL its for tattoo safety.


Same everywhere, terminology might change - BSI - Body Substance Isolation. :slight_smile:

I’ve read the same thing but I’m not sure. As I’ve also read

So you see my dilemma… Personally I willing to bet that both out comes are possible and depending on stress factors and just who it is testing 50/50 shot either way.