Any tips on trichome development and when to harvest?

I’m expecting harvest between now and may 13 hopefully gonna flush tm or the next day and from there hope the timing works out well

I don’t have any tools or devices to see closer sadly idk if there’s an easy way to tell without like a jewelers loupe or some but would like opinions this was a bag seed so no flowering estimate but I guessed abt nine weeks and that seems accurate but this is my first grow


Any other lens?

Not the best but not the worst


I would have never thought. I have like 20 pairs around the house :neutral_face:

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She looks beautiful. What are you running? Medium? Nutrients? Ima newbie. But she looks great. I’d buy👀

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Careful eh that lens gotta be like spotlessly clean no fingerprint nothing. And nothing gets inside when open.
It only gave 2-and-some ounces though. From big soil box no nutes but worm food.
Lens + camera, ok, lens + eye better. Looking for white trichomes.


imho…shes showing some signs shes got a little more left in her yet…like additional white pistils.

I see no amber trics. Not that amber is super important, but by the time you see a few amber (on true flower parts, not just sugar leaves) you can be sure a good portion of the trics elsewhere are milky white.

I like to chop when most of the trichomes present milky, and an obvious but small ish amount are amber. I find a few amber gives the effect some good staying power. The plant will continue to throw new resin glands so there will always be a few clear trics even at harvest.

Here’s one thats almost entirely milky, but no amber to my eye. At least another week i think.


Amazing brother. Thats nice.


I’d ask spiney about this…… @Spiney_norman


I used this tonight and it was awesome…came free with some nutes. I believe they are only like $15 anyway…was surprised at how effective it was actually…

Nice looking plant btw!

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They look good. I see a few weeks left by the look of the pistils.

I learned everything from these guys,
Boiled down to simplify,
You need two things to be ripe
1 - Nearly all browned pistils , this occurs around 9th week of flowering but longer is common.
2 - Milky trichomes with your preference of amber %. 5 to 10% amber is common.
Note: Milky trichomes can appear very early and should not be the only criteria you use. I have seen milky trichomes on bud as early as the 3rd week.
So 2 factors for ripeness. Brown pistils and milky/amber trichomes.


lol idek what strain she is this is actually my first grow but people keep saying imma natural

I just went out and picked up a 5x magnification lens bc it’s all I could find at Walmart and the difference is shocking I’ve actually noticed a couple amber trichomes but I’m gonna just keep a close eye and wait since I want to maximize the yield and it looks like there’s lots of white pistils