Are these amber trichomes? I feel like my buds may be smaller than a lot of others are when harvested. What else should I look for?
I would say you have longer to go, maybe weeks. Every thing I have grown so far has taken 10 weeks after flipping to the 12/12 schedule at least. The pistils are all white that I can see, none are showing darkening or receding into the flowers yet. Wait for the goodness would be my advice. This looks fantastic right now, you are doing something right!
Aim for the area around where the hairs grow from to check tricomes. Sugar leaves will amber fast, and aren’t a good indication of when to harvest. A pretty standard rule of thumb is when those hairs turn darker orange and shrink a bit in size, check your tricomes. That being said you have many weeks left.
Thank you so much! It seems most helpful to get this type of specific feedback. Hope to pay it forward one day!
Thank you! This is quite the learning experience, with so many people not being very helpful.
Looks like you have few weeks left still. You want nearly all those white hairs to turn brown and recede back into the calyx’s then start checking trichomes for cloudy to amber depending on preference. Its too early to be checking trichomes. Youll just mind Fu(# yourself. Take trichome pictures from deep into the bud. Sugar leaves will start going amber way sooner, by weeks even.
Excellent! Thank you so much for the detailed advice. I’ve struggled through this whole process lol! Wish I knew someone nearby I could learn from first hand. Nonetheless, thank you!
What part of the country/world do you live?
I agree you are far out still. Weeks away. Start a trichome watch when 70%of the pistils are browned. That includes lower flowers. They are nice and full of foliage right now. Big flowers. They will tighten up and swell. Looks to be a nice harvest. PLEASE dont rush such a nice grow. You will be hooked for life if you let those get ripe. Just think soft juicy cantaloupe vs a hard early pick. Both taste good. 1 tastes great. Just my thoughts and a repeat of the others i guess. Stoned and binging tv while reading. Sigh. Bored.
Enough time to buy the USB Microscope on a stand (for trichome observations).
Above pictures from snipped lower buds.
or in my case, an introduction to invaders and squatters.
Pictured below
so probably need to still fertilize, correct?
which microscope do you use?
southeast u.s.
Yes. Feed as normal.
@Viperblue72 awesome grow my friend congratulations. I believe your girl will fatten up over the next few weeks. I’m guessing 3 weeks at least.