Any idea, what this could be?

She’s about 11 days from sprout, haven’t watered in 2 days, the yellowish tint has me stress! Any advice is greatly appreciated


Looking good i wouldn’t worry about it they look good and healthy when you water go around the plant about 2" from stalk to get them roots strengthing for the water


What soil is she in?


Thank you I’ve been stressing specially cause my other one looks way healthier
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Seedling stage definitely makes you nervous!

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Fox farm happy frog!

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At your stage they are growing more under soil getting a good root system going

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Ive successfully started seeds and cloned plenty in HF soil. Soil should be good. I would water away from the stalk like @Reed71 said. Let the roots go find water and avoid root issues


Okay another question when should I start nuts im gonna be using cronks Bonnie and Clyde?

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Okay someone suggested placing a cup over them when watering and water on top of the cup so it runs off away from the stalk, where the roots will have go search kinda! definitely gonna do that next water!


If your in new soil it has plenty of food for now im not familiar with soil your using someone else can tell you more about it i make my own soil but there alot growers on here that use ffhf if it was me i would just give them water for now let them roots get going


Appreciate you a lot! I’ll give an update in a few days!

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Your welcome my friend happy growing

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She would benefit from a dome for her first week or two, generally avoid watering at this size. Instead mist the inside of your dome. When they’re very young they tend to take most of their moisture from the first leaves and cotelydons. You’ve passed that point now but it would still be a good idea


I appreciate you definitely noted

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Happy frog has enough nutrients in it to last you atleast 3 to 4 weeks.