Hi guys just looking for any advice on germinating seeds. I usually just do the wet poper towel and it works a treat but a few hasnt gone to plan. I left a northern lights auto seed 2 days in paper towel and had no joy. Tried soaking in water for about 6 hours, gave it a light sand with sand paper and tried cutting it a tiny bit with Stanley blade. Near 24 hours in paper towel again and still no sign.
Is there anything else I can try or cut my loss and dump the seed?
I just soaked mine for 24hs in the oven with the light on cause it holds a steady 80 degrees. then into paper towel for another 24 hrs in a container covered with a towel and got a decent tap root. Then into dirt yesterday morning and then this morning…
I have a cheese auto right now that cracked in dirt but no tail. I dropped it in water last night hoping to save it. @Jbum you have your little troubled seed box. Think it is toast?
It’s still possible? I would do the moist paper towel if it has already cracked. Put the paper towel in plastic baggie/Tupperware and keep it dark, warm and humid.
Try adding a few drops of h2o2 to 4oz h2o and soak your seeds for 12-24 hours, in a warm, dark place. Then, just put into moistened rooters or your medium. Do 24 hours of dark, then turn on your light. Within 4 days of soaking, you’ll have fully germinated babies.
I actually dropped three more and about an hour ago I had to put them in the dirt! They took off great! I ran outta room in my freezer lol so I had to make room somewhere for one more.
Haha it’s a stainless steel bowl with a shop light hanging above it. Fits perfect lol there is so much light going on in there haha. Then just set my solo cup in and see what happen. Running 65k led bulb I modified a bit. I have it posted on my journal.
Haha nice one man, if she works she works!! Could be doing something similar at this rate as its a domain occurnacw with some of my seeds not germinating