A customer has a question or concerns and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks
“This is an ak47 feminized that i purchased, the plant is doing good, but I have one concern, the plant is budding and has absolutely no odor. Everything I read on ak47 indicates it has a strong aroma. Even if you squeeze it, no smell whatsoever. Appreciate any input you have? I’m going to try to attach a few photos (see below). I was told by a another guy that has grown some, that their male I hope it’s not but can you confirm. I reviewed my order and it indicates feminized. I think I do have one ak that is looking and smelling more normal. I also attached a picture of it. I also have a dusk till dawn yard light, that’s aprox 40 feet from the plant that has no odor. Could that light make the plant confused as to which cycle it’s in?”