Advice please….I’m new here

Hey I’m new here and was hoping to find help with these seedlings… i planted them about a week ago … all the the same time . Use the same germination method on all of them one sprouted earlier than others . They are planted in just vigoro brand potting soil … no nutrients ,just water and light

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Less water. Two or 3 ml of water per day is sufficient at this stage. Let the soil dry out before adding water again. Cannabis tolerates dry soil far better than wet soil.

More light. Your seedlings are stretching for light. It takes ~200 watts per plant of quality lighting (lights built with Samsung LM301 diodes) to effectively flower a plant.

Use a different soil when you transplant. Black Magic, Fox Farm soil, Coast of Maine, and Roots Organics are all good options and they are all properly buffered for cannabis. In addition, Vigoro soils contain time-release nutrients that submarine your pH and nuke your plants with nitrogen every time you water.


@MidwestGuy beat me to it!


You, @OGIncognito, @Underthestairs, and I all do a good job of tag-teaming the new grower questions. :slight_smile:


Hey thanks y’all . I definitely appreciate that !! And just another question. When should I transfer these … I’ve looked and the roots aren’t showing yet


At least a week to transplant. You want nice root development throughout the cup before you move up a size. Not just roots reaching the edge of the cup, but a good amount.

This pic is from bigger than a solo cup. And really you wouldn’t want more root development, I should have transplanted that about a week sooner. Oh well!


I would get the plants out of the Vigoro soil as soon as you can, but you will want to wait until the plant has developed a minimal root system like @GardenDan suggested.


@MidwestGuy tag Team!!!

@Gsup if possible, I’d get a hold of some Fox Farms Happy Frog or Roots Organics 707, something cannabis friendly on the lighter side, and do the transplant ASAP. Try to carefully knock off as much of the soil as possible that they are in currently. There’s a very few growers here that somehow manage growing in the Home Depot type soils, but it’s more often that the plants burn up really bad.




Yeahhh I knew I was messing up with the soil that shit was rough and tough feeling ya know … but ayyy it’s what was out back at the time . I really wasn’t expecting this … one that’s developed the most is unknown. But those two lanky ones are jack herer … I don’t want to loose them . That strain smokes pretty nice…

Absolutely the names I look for🤘 generally don’t feel like I’ve got much to add if you fine folks have already popped in.


Early risers :joy::love_you_gesture:


Why are those other two so far behind? I started them at the same time

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Plants grow at different rates, it’s normal. It -could- be overwatering or a problem, but if the plants all look healthy, try not to fret over different growth rates. Genetics are a big factor in growth, even the difference between the same seeds. My brother and I didn’t grow at the same rate, for example.

For that soil, I’m not too worried you messed up the grow. When they’re ready, transplant to bigger pots with quality soil, as others listed. This initial amount of soil will be relatively small compared to your overall total amount in bigger pots.

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Big kids,small kids,fat kids and skinny kids. Genitics.


My rule of thumb is once the leaves are wider than the cup, it’s ready for transplant.


Ummm hot dogs anyone??? haha!!


As long as it is Oscar myers. Bologna also.

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