Advice appreciated drying

I started growing indoors about a year ago. My intention is to grow enough for myself and a couple friends. I have enjoyed this forum and learned a few things. The amount of expertise here is amazing and a little overwhelming. What is the best advice for drying a small crop (3 or 4 plants)?

Maintain temp at ~68F and humidity at ~60%. It takes a week to 10 days.


Welcome to the forum @Jshaw
Here’s a guide to drying and curing your stuff.
Usually takes about 10 days to get to a point you can fire it up. But to properly cure it takes about 3 months. At the pace I go. Lots of dissipation of stuff that can make you smoke harsh.

Here’s more from Bing AI on the subject.
Properly curing cannabis is an important step in the process of producing high-quality buds. Curing is the process of slowly drying your buds to preserve their flavor, aroma, and potency. Here are the steps to properly cure cannabis:

  1. Dry the buds: After harvesting, trim away the fan leaves and hang the buds upside down in a dark room with temperatures between 60-70°F and humidity between 55-65% for 3-7 days1.
  2. Place the dried buds in an airtight container: Once the buds are dry, place them in an airtight container such as a glass Mason jar2.
  3. Store the jars in a cool, dry, and dark place: The jars should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place2.
  4. Burp the jars: Open the containers a few times each day for 15 to 20 minutes to release any built-up moisture2.
  5. Cure for at least 4 weeks: Cure your buds for at least 4 weeks to get the optimal potency and taste3.

It’s important to take your time with drying and curing. A slow dry and cure will greatly improve the flavor and aroma of your bud and reduce harshness1. I hope this information helps! Is there anything else I can help with? :blush:

It’s hard to maintain the ideal drying conditions which is 60/60, so just find the coolest place you have to dry as slow as possible. Most houses are between 72 and 76, so my experience is it takes about 5 or 6 days before jarring. Also, I trim with a bowl trimmer, and dry on drying racks which hastens the drying time.

Have you done any reading about dry trimming vs wet trimming?

Most people have a preference one way or the other, but both methods get the job done just fine, so it’s on you to choose.

I wet trimmed my first few grows because that’s what I found when I searched for help on drying. Then after a couple of grows I read an article about dry trimming. I tried it, and it turned out that I preferred it over the wet trimming.

If you wet trim, you’d cut your plants up at the time of harvest, and do all the cleanup and trimming of sugar leaves. Then hang the branches to dry until they’re ready to jar or bag.

When I dry trim, I hang the entire plants fully intact upside down and let them dry slowly. So harvest day goes really quick and easy, but the marathon starts a week to 10 days or so later when they all have to be trimmed.

I find it easier to trim the dry buds, many others find the wet trimming easier. The main reason I go dry is so the plants can dry slower.

Use grove bags instead of jars then you want have to do that burping i dry in my basement temperature is about 68 with humidity of 45 take me between 5 and 7 days to dry with a wedryer XL
