Adjusting new gear after trial run

I tried my first time grow in a room with lots of windows on my back porch. I made rookie mistakes and was very disappointed with my yield. All plants grew tall and spindly. They flowered but just popcorn buds. I definitely needed more light, air circulation, and less temp swings from letting our dog out the back door.

Did a lot of research and got a Mars-Micro 2x4 tent, sp3000 light, and 6inch inline fan. Setting it all up in 10x10 bedroom today while seeds are sprouting.

2 OG Kush and 3 Blueberry autos are about ready to plant. First run of blueberry filled 5gl fabric bags and grew about 3’ without any topping or lst.

I’m thinking of downsizing blueberry to 3gal and starting OG in 5gal.
I need a good harvest, so looking for any suggestions. Thanks for any suggestions to help a newbie grow his meds in a small space.


Sounds great ,Very optimal , that should improved everything that you had issues above


Sounds like you’re headed for far greater success than run #1


If you are doing autos, best thing you can do is LST and try to keep all the buds about the same height as they grow up. Autos, you have to be careful, too much stress and they’ll hermie on you. Plenty off folks here that grow autos and can help if you need them.
@beardless @PurpNGold74 @kdawg @Arrow just name a few and if they don’t do autos, they may be able to tag folks that do.
Good luck! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


@Nicky and @Not2SureYet are auto growers.


Yup im not much help on the autos but best I can tell you is KISS.


Like dont overworry. Dont overwater. And enjoy the grow man. Autos flip whenever they want. So try to minimize the mistakes and maximize the vegetative growth. And dont be afraid to ask for help.


I can physically fit 5 5gal square fabric pots in the 2x4 tent. Should I run 3gal for blueberry so they all get enough light and air? I could let a couple flower in 5s outside if needed.

Running with organic soil with all the good stuff already mixed locally in Michigan.


U can probably fit 3 full grown nice plants in that space. Id go for 2 per 2x2


I’m not sure the pot sizes is going to make that much difference with autos. I do believe there are plenty that run in 3 or 4 gal pots, I think just for room sake. It may open up the bottom some. Keep in mind everything is strain dependent and environmental conditions as well. Some plants will grow lots bigger than others. It’ll all work out. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Thanks guys!

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I couldn’t get 1/10th of my plants in that space. Autos is a hit and miss. My theory is Autos should stay on a 18/6 vs the 12/12. My Autos tend to not hit above 3 foot on a 12/12 only.

That space of the OP will have a tight fit. He may get 2 or 3
Autos in there. After that, it could seriously hamper the total weight over all. Especially if one grows to a nice size the others will try to compete for the light. Learned that the hard way. :+1:

Welcome to the Community. :+1::+1::+1:


I am going to have to defer to others here. I can’t get more than 2 plants in a 2x4. I didn’t see how tall your tent is. If it is a 5’ and not a 6’, that will make things a little harder. Here is @Axemanjake23 s grow. He would be my first to talk to about this after seeing him cram a bunch in a 2x4 :grin: This would be impossible for me to do.


I’m a very efficient auto killer :wink: …but the right people have been tagged :point_up_2::sunglasses::v:

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Yeah, my next grow is coming up in about 3 weeks. It will be 8 autos in my 2x4. SOG


It will get tight with 5 plants. All though I’m thinking about trying 6 Sour Diesel autos in 3 gal pots next! Here is my current grow in the same exact setup. 4 ILGM Granddaddy Purple Autoflower in 5 gal fabric pots. Around 57 days