“Accurate” Hydrometer Recommendation?

Looking for a hydrometer recommendation. Prefer one that is WiFi or at least Bluetooth.

My lung room is my fully insulated shed behind my house. Want to monitor temp and humidity during curing and check without goi g to the shed.

I like Grovee products but the hydrometers I have vary in terms of RH.

Any recommendation on a unit that is accurate?

Do you have the govee app you can calibrate them with it. If you have a dehumidifier that shows the rooms current humidity I would calibrate it to that

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I use the Govee minis. But I also calibrate them. I throw them in a jar with a 62% Boveda, leave them overnight, and then adjust them all to read 62%. That way they are reasonably accurate, and consistent…


Great idea.



I’ll get the bovida packs and calibrate as you suggested. I have the app.

ANOTHER QUESTION - Do you feel the ACI controller prob is accurate? Do you check and adjust it in a similar way?

I haven’t done a check, but I have 2 in each tent, and they are very close to each other at least.

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I have the ACI probe and the Inkbird (RH) probe hanging next to each other and they track each other very well… if that helps at all.


Yes, thanks!

Where do you place the probe in the tent?

I have a 2x4 tent with two plants. One is about 6 inches taller than the other. I position the probe between the two and about canopy height of the shorter plant?

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Tough call with the different heights. I just try to keep it close to the canopy, but high enough to be in active air movement, so it’s not reading a pocket in, or transpiration of, the plants themselves.

The tent with both the inkbird and ACI is set up to dry right now, so the ACI turns on at 60% and the Inkbird turns the humidifier on at 55% (I think, I’d have to double check exact numbers)… point being, they don’t fight each other and they track together much better than I expected. At this point in my exposure to hygrometers, I chalk it up to both being top grade probes on controller assemblies. Of course that’s just an opinion…

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Any chance you can raise the shorter one by putting something under it? If so, then place you probe at mid-level of the plants, and know that it will be slightly dryer above, and slightly more humid below.

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@Smokesdaily Another way to calibrate a hygrometer is…

Take a cap off of a bottle fill it with salt add a few drops of water… Not so much it’s soupy. Moist. (I love that word).

Out it into a plastic bag or Tupperware sealed with hygrometer for 8-24 hours.

Should stabilize at 75% between 8-24 hours… Adjust calibration on hygrometer to 75%rh.


Hi and thanks for the suggestion.

I have both plants in Autopots. I’m afraid to raise it.

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I thought that might be the case, good luck! They are very pretty.

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