Anyone agree with this? I’m on the fence. Have gotten great beans and have gotten plenty not so great. Bland, average, not at all resembling advertised parents.
Good have been good but pheno hunting and aclimatising and working to express epigenetic abilities with an incapable strain is futile and a waste of time and space.
Its too difficult to list all the variables affecting grows.
My ILGM MW don’t like their soil PH above 7.
The flowers look great, the fan leaves fall off easily.
My WW love being below 7PH
I been having soil PH issues, but learning to do better.
Endless discussion, but fun to reflect.
I’m not necessarily sure that i understand your question…
I’ve grown over 2000 plants since ive started this hobby…
No 2 seeds are ever the same , close but never the same…
Some traits you want and some you don’t…
The only way to find what your looking for is going to take alot of time and patience and alot of seeds that will need to be grown cloned and brought to harvest before you will find what you want…
I have never adjusted my environment or living conditions or the amount of minerals that they have access too , in order to have the plant’s act a certain way or produce some sort of result …
You will never turn a lump of coal into a golden nugget…
Its all about genetics and how they reached the outcome of said genetics that will get you close to what your looking for…
Bottom line , its going to take alot of plants growing to find what you want , unless you get lucky early on , always clone everything, because you will never know what your gonna end up with , till its harvested and in your pipe…
I’ve only grown 1 ILGM strain and it was great, but one anecdotal experience does not mean much. I’ve also learned to be skeptical of what YouTubers post. They make videos to generate revenue and many of them will say whatever it takes to get more views. We’ve had hundreds, if not thousands, of growers here in the forum over the years. Yeah, there have been a few complaints, but the experience of the majority is positive.
Now i understand what you were asking…
Ya , its a bummer that that is always going to be a possibility nomatter who you are getting your genetics from , but even when things are on the level and nobody is trying to pull any funny business , you are still only receiving the genes of said genetics , but what and how it presents itself is going to be just that , the end product and with that , there can never be an absolute genetic twin of a seed , unless science is some how involved in someway that i yet don’t understand…
But ill just say this…
My wife works for our states canibas producers and a few months back they changed a law that makes it illegal to name any canibas as a candy or cake or anything that sounds appealing to kids…
So all of the bud that was already produced, like the skittles and anything else that sounded appealing was just renamed… wtf … just like that , it was all renamed and re labeled and only the people that know this , are just that… the only people that know…
Nobody knows jack…
Not right one bit…
I really dont trust anything or anyone , but life still has to go on and i still have to live in it , i can only hope that when i do business with someone that they are on the up and up , but i can’t honestly say im surprised when they are not…
The world is rapidly changing and i dont thinks its for the better…
It just is what it is…
Hopefully you are able to find what your looking for…
@Growmoredank i realized this after my first grow. As great as this forum is and how much I appreciate ILGM sponsoring the forum their seeds imo are over hyped. Do I regret buying 50 seeds for 320$ not really I enjoyed smoking the ones I grew but then I found a different site spent 200$ got 180 seeds… guess what they got me just as high as ilgm seeds……
I would add this for anyone wanting to see kinda how their genetics that they paid for might be what they were expecting and how they might perform…
This only go’s for photo period plant’s…
I run a candle stick method for vegg and seeds and clones…
So my light schedule runs like this…
12 on
5 off
2 on
5 off
And repeat
This will put your plant’s into hyperdrive and keep them right on the edge of flower…
So you can start to see how they will perform once they hit flower…
Here’s a pic of my vegg area…
You can see my strawberry cough already turning purple and on other’s you can see how they will bud stack…
If you rub the stems you will get a pretty good idea of the smell and taste and yet i haven’t even flowerd these plants yet…
This will also tell me if its a boy or girl as soon as possible…
I only recommend this for people that have been doing this for awhile and know how to read your plant’s because they will be in overdrive and will be a little bit more hungry than what you might be normally used too…
Also , i would say that i have never bought a seed that ever looked or im sure smelled like the picture that got me to buy the seeds…
Forgot to add pic…
I agree. I’ve noticed the aclimatising process and expression of epigenetic traits tuned to the environment can take seedling and 2 cloning generations to settle out.
Have you noticed often the ‘runt of the litter’ turns out the best pheno after the ‘getting to know you’ Stage?
I would search for seedbanks that are run by Ol Skool people. Anyone IMO that has jumped on the legalization band wagon are only here for $$. People like Kyle Kushman and Mr Soul have been around since back in the day when all of this was still being propogated as the 100 year lie. These folks are in it for the right reasons. These are the only 2 examples I can think of at the moment but you get where I am comin from.
As for ILGM genetics, I have grown some really nice plants with their seeds. I trust their process and love what they sell thus far. Just mentioning this since they came into the game right after it became legal in 2012. Bob has been around though for 25 years so he counts as Ol Skool.
Hey peachfuzz. I’m really hoping you can explain your ‘Candlestick Method’ of ‘keeping them in overdrive’. It’s a new concept to me. Thanks! Peace . S.