A few questions for my auto

I’m currently growing my first auto and I’ve purchased Jacks 3-2-1. I know I should be using it soon however should I be using it during flowering stages as well or do I need to purchase another “bloom enhancer” or whatnot. Appreciate the help!

What media are you using?
Soil, Coco ?
Some soils you can wait a few weeks. Coco needs food right from the start.
And you use the same Jacks formula all the way. No need to change.

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Whoops! Sorry. I’m growing in FFOF at around 70% soil, 15% extra perlite, and 15% coco coir.

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It wont need food for 4 weeks or so. Start jacks anytime after 4 week unless you see the the need before.

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No I know that. I’m just wondering if I need something else for flowering

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Or if Jacks already helps with that then I’m all set!

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Ah, nope. Same formula all the way.

6 Weeks of flowering time.


Gotcha thanks

Personally I had to switch to something for flowering but not everyone does. I had read a lot use supplements with jacks for flowering. Just keep an eye on your girls, if they look good you might be alright but I know me personally I had to change up ( or add flowering booster etc) but I just swapped up for last month until harvest.

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Oh and also im a newb clearly by my name so it may have been all on me but that was my experience lol

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No worries me too haha! Newbie85 here…

I bump part A up anywhere from 3.8-4.0gm/gal. Part B goes down to 2.0-.2. And Epsom goes to 1.0-.1. You can adjust Jack’s to up the PK (part A) intake and lower the N (part B) as they don’t need as much Nitrogen during flower, but do require more Potassium and Phosphorus.


This is the beauty of Jacks system. Adjustments can do anything you need. Need more PK then up part A. And so on. Changing nutrient lines is unnecessary. The basic needed elements are already in jacks. All switching does is change the supplier to another company. The majority of plant deficiencies in my opinion are due to pH issues or salt buildup in the soil. I simply do a plain water watering once a week to keep the salts down. I understand others may prefer a different line of nutrients and thats perfectly ok. There is enough evidence among just the growers here to show any line can work if you pay attention to the plants and adjust when issues arise.

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Another thing is the pH with jacks. I mix 5 gallons at a time. I do add 2 teaspoons of FF dry nutes (Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching). I also put silica in before the nutes. Silica, Jack’s, then FF. Either way, though, my pH has always, every single time, landed in soil range. 6.43-6.53. every darn time. I use tap water that start at 7.7. only drifts up about .05 a day so no adjusting. :sunglasses::green_heart::palm_tree:

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Yes I have seen the upward drift. It is slow and I dont stress over it either.
Added silica recently myself to help with upper leaves light stress. It seems to have improved all the new growth.

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I didn’t add silica at first, but the purple punch I have has long tall colas. A couple are well over a foot. And she’s getting fat, so I didn’t want to risk her snapping any branches. But Jack’s has definitely given me some good buds. I have no reason to change it up yet.

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Where do you mix the 5 gallons? I’m trying to find a container or something :sob:

I use 5 gallon buckets from Walmart. Just fill up with tap, let it sit for at least a day to dechlorinate, then add my nutes and go.