6 weeks need fertilizer instructions

My girls are starting on 6 weeks how much fertilizer should I give them? My instructions was not in my ilgm kit because it was opened when the mailman delivered it.


What are you using for nutrients?

Does anyone have the feeding schedule for ILGM nutrients?

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I don’t understand what all the numbers mean.

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Do you have EC pen ?

ILGM nutrients

First time growing what’s and EC pen?

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You need to buy a good quality EC Pen so you can test your strength of nutrients.
You are on week six of Veg or flowering?
Follow instructions and adjust Ph according to instructions.
You have a Ph pen?


Yes but what’s a good brand?

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I have Blue Lab,but there are others.

Thanks for the info


Thank you so much :blush::v:

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In case OP doesn’t have Adobe.


You’ll need a TDS pen and PH pen for mixing nutrients and testing run off. The feed schedule has PPMs (parts per million) that you’ll use the TDS pen (Total dissolved solids) to check the nutrient mixture. Blue lab makes a great TDS pen and measures PPMs/EC. I would suggest an Apera 20 or the Blue Lab PH pen. Both are very reliable and won’t break the bank. I suggest you do some research on this so you’ll have a better idea and it’s not so confusing with everyone throwing acronyms at you :love_you_gesture:


since we can
direct links to meters I use

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Perfect! I’ve had these for 2 years. Very reliable :love_you_gesture:

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