4 Days of non stop rain and cold - Should I harvest?

It has been 4 days since I took these pics.
I’ts been cold, overcast and rainy for the last 4 days.
The plants are looking miserable. No sun.
Will they be OK or is it better to harvest them a little early?


Better some harvest than NO harvest. Plan on doing a bud wash to kill mold spores that are present on plants. 3% peroxide, 1 cup in 5 gallons water, soak 10 minutes, rinse and dry as normal.


Yeah I would just take them now before bud rot or mildew sets in and give them a good wash as Myfriendis410 suggested. I always wash my outdoor plants.

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Yes. I’m going to wash them.
They don’t look good tonight!


Can you put big beach umbrellas over them?


I’m afraid it’s to late for an umbrella.
Last night and this morning the rain was quite hard.
One of my girls is lying down. I’m cutting now, rain or not.
A real letdown to an otherwise great first grow!!!


Hay tincupbb
Really sorry to hear of the end to your summers worth of effort.
Always a bugger with the out door grow.
Me being an out door grower too.
Im watching the weather very carefully right now as there is rain forecast next few days and the girls are not far off ready for harvest. Leaves are getting very sticky now.
Happy drying and curing.


Good luck to you too.
The rain is not letting up this morning, so I’m going to have to put on a rain coat!
Wash buckets are ready!!
Last coffee, then…run!


Far out.
Were are you in the world must be my side the planet if you got an out door grow ready for harvest.
Im in nz and we in lockdown so no shops open to buy anything to wash the plants down after harvest and before drying.
Theres rain coming here too just dont know how much or for how long.
I really dont know how far off i am from harvest guessing 2 weeks.
Leaves are sticky and sweet smelling.

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Hi @Blackmoon
Yup. I’m in South Africa. In day 12 of 21 day Lock Down.
Know the feeling.
I’ve got 3 of my 7 plants harvested.
Going to try and do 2 more today. Quite a bit of work on a big (2m) plant.
For a first grow, I’m vary happy with the outcome so far.
Good luck on your side.


Wow south Africa amazing.
2mts another wow.
Was thinking of you today wondering how you got on after your coffee and on with the raincoat to bring in your harvest early.
Whats the strain of plant your growing.
Your cage in your photo seemed interesting.
How do you wash 2 mt plants with peroxide?
Never done that.
What’s the process?
Our rain came to a drizzle this afternoon.
Got 3 plants in under cover now.
Recon im a week or 2 from ready.
Took some macro photos today trichromes getting long still quite clear.
never harvested via what colour the trichomes are.
This site changed my world.
If i grew plants in the past harvest was based on the full moon the weather and some time at the end of march

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I’ve got 4 of my 5 plants harvested. I’m leaving one for tomorrow.
I bought seeds for medicinal purposes, so was looking for high CBD.
I planted 2 x Green Crack CBD’s, 2 x Hash Plant CBD’s and a OG Kush (got for free - 17%THC).
OG Kush flowerd first and had nice big sticky buds. She grew to just over 1m tall. Harvested her 20 March.

My other 4 ladies grew quit tall (HP CBD to 1.8m+ and GC CBD to 2m+.
I did not do a peroxide wash (no mildew or other problems), just a normal post harvest wash with Baking Soda and Lemon Juice in water. Lots of videos on youtube.
Cut your plants into shorter pieces to fit in the washing buckets.
Got nice color on my Green Crack CBD as it got cold the last few weeks.

Nice big, heavy buds covered in sticky goodness!!
Trichomes were all milky, just a few started showing amber.
I covered my plants with shade cloth (20%) in order to protect against hale storms.
Good luck with you grow.


Hi there just checking in to see how you got on with all your plants in that continuous rain.

Harvested the last one yesterday. All went well.
4 In drying now and will start tomorrow with the trimming and curing of my second plant.
It’s a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be.
Still, if I look at what I’ve got after the grow, it’s WAY worth it!!

Hi tincupbb
You have been busy.
I had laugh when you said you didn’t realize how labour intense the trimming is.
You had a good variety of strains going at the same time.
The only stain i got going from Ilgm this season was 1 gorrilla glue.
I managed to kill a few others.
As they popped out the soil and it was too late in the season to start again with more.
The other 4 i have are unknowns.
So rock on next summer i want to start again.
I have green crack think you said that was 1 you grew.
Bruce banner, bergaman gold, train wreck, white widow,
Lost in the post i have Durban poison, wedding cake, girl scout cookies extreme auto, super silver haze.
Hope to get 1 of each going next year.
Busy busy busy.
On my wish list is chocolope, grand daddy purple, purple haze, critical mass which could interest you its high in thc and cbd.
Og kush, LSD, and skunk.
Cheers dont get sticky fingers.

Me too in NZ and just about to cut my two girls. 1 night of frost - rain…

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Hi benson @benson so your in nz too is that right.
If you are where abouts.
Not exactly ofcourse.
Love to hear how your grow season went.
How long you been growing what strains you have etc.

Here is my motley crew this year.
The only one i know what it is…is
Gorrilla glue.
2nd from the right.
Still going.
trichomes still got a way to go maybe another week.

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Yep. Top of the South…ish!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I’m only doing a couple outside, and a couple inside which haven’t long been started. This is only my 2nd season. Last season I had clones from…nz! No idea what strain if any they were! I had 40 plants and managed to get as much as someone else who had 1 plant :joy:. Obviously I had a lot to learn.

Starting some White widow inside with lights. The 2 mentioned outside Gold Leaf, grown direct into soil - went really well till this damned 1x frost. Reading up, they can recover if they have some good sun after…still waiting on that. Weird colours though.

How about you?

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The big one on the right is looking good.