Oh no its the big bad budrot

I woke up this morning and looked outside…the sky has been pissing down rain and I’m already hungover af. Problem is my plants are about 2 weeks from harvest and being this close I was wondering if anyone had so advice like how long does it take for budrot to set in? How much rain? Should I harvest them wet from rain or wait until they dry off and weather is better…let me know what you think

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I’ve had it rear it’s ugly head within a couple days of rain when things are full and near finish. If you can get them inside with a fan that would help a lot @Wundopeman. I know… it sucks but if u can dry them off it will help some. Peace and good luck. :v:

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I’m undecided whether or not to cut them down now or leave them…on one hand I think a little rain is alright plants will be loving it but on the other hand I’m like is it worth risking the whole crop. Cheers bud

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Makes for a tough decision. Last season we had a killer frost then 3 straight days of rain. I started my harvest early and tossed about a oz of mouldy crap. That was at end of sept with temps in 45-50 deg F range in the day and close to 35 at nite. Mine weren’t going to produce anymore so I cut them and my losses. :v:

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Hi @Wundopeman

If you can’t bring them inside and have a leaf blower, use that to blow out the excess water. Tough call to yank early or not. I didn’t pull mine early last outdoor season after 3 straight days of wet foggy weather about 2 weeks out, and lost at least 60% of my harvest.

Good luck!!!


Are the plants moveable? Most outdoors grow in the ground. Iwouldnt chop prematurely because your biggest weight and potency gains are at the end. I would just be watching like a hawk. Sun is molds worst friend so if the forecast is for sun after the rain you maybe OK.


Yes they are in the ground and looks like rain tomorrow and another bit of rain later in the week. It’s looking like chop chop very soon…fuvk it all

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Do you have signs of bud rot, or are you just concerned about getting it?

If you don’t have it, gently shake the rain from the colas when you can. If you can put a temporary roof over them, or block the rain, do so. If you can put a fan on them, do it.
If you’re seeing rot, and you’re just 2 weeks from harvest, I suggest harvesting early. I’ve had it 2 times. The first time I only lost about 10-15%, the second time it happened early and as much as I battled it, I ended up harvesting 1-2 weeks premature and still lost almost 50%.

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I had to chop my gg the other day cause of a lil but of bud rot , wasn’t taking the chance of it spreading


Yes same I saw a couple lower buds had browned so I chopped about half and left the rest.

I only check them once a week if that and saw some signs of rot but nothing too major