2 x 2 grow box questions.... Variety / Auto?

Guys- My first post- thanks for reading. So I am building a nice stealth 2x2x5’ grow box, will be using LED lights, and still debating on soil vs hydro but here is main concern…
Im getting ready to order seeds from ILGM and after reading A LOT about yield in a 2x2… Im up in air about using AUTO’s I want to maximize yield, and obviously want good smoke but the info out there on AUTO’s seems sooooooo mixed review. I want to Scrog / train / whatever to get a flat canopy, but keep reading mixed thoughts on training Auto’s using any stress… ANY suggestions on longer growing Auto varieties / stretch amount / as impact yields…


Welcome to the forum.

I would steer you toward photos as a new grower. Autos can be challenging for new growers and are far less trainable. If you are going with a 2x2 you will want to be able to train as much as possible to keep the plant contained within the 2x2.



I just recently started and wish I would have gone with Photos instead of Autos! I’m in a 2x2 as well. I just got excited when the wife said go ahead and I bought the wrong ones! Live and learn! I will switch to photos at some point.


Midwest- Thanks for reply. Curious, I keep reading that autos are the thing for newbies lol… the opinion is so mixed. Your referring to growing a mother, then cloning ? BTW, Im not a new grower, only new with small box growing


What did you buy if I may ask ? Why do you think they contributed to bad experience ? Just curious to hear insights… Thanks man


The very opposite is true. Autos are hard to train because you don’t know when they will flower, they are typically more sensitive to nutrients and environmental problems, they have less time to recover if you do make mistakes, and you might end up with one of these at harvest time:


I would definitely go with photo, you want to decide when the plant is ready to start stretching.
Autos are easy because you don’t have to worry about light cycles, but if you’re not new and know how to switch a plant, you should be good with photo.
trainability just sucks with auto, and trainability is what you want in a small box.


I bought the super mix pack! Not a bad experience just jumped the gun thinking Auto’s would work better for size and timing. They just do their thing so you are on their time. Where as I have found I could have just flipped photos when ever I felt like it. That away it is a little more on my time. Plus higher yields and generally tighter buds from what i have read.


Oooooh crap Midwest… Id not be very happy LMAO

It blows my mind all the positive talk out there for autoflowers… seems a lil contorted…

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I grow both autos and photo periods and will confirm that autos can be finicky. I would suggest a few photo periods grows to get your feet wet before diving in the auto pool :love_you_gesture:


that’s just profit talking…

Now you guys got me thinking… Anyone want to make a few suggestions regarding strains… Single plant in 2x2… SCROG trained… BTW- I smoke for relaxation to fall to sleep, and like the creative kick in as I chill… FYI


Not true Grow Bro! They’re great for bud runs and space constraints :love_you_gesture:


White Widow is a great strain for what you’re looking for, easy to grow and tolerant and tough :love_you_gesture:


Agree white widow is a good choice. It’s a very resilient strain that produces and is a good smoke.

I smoke for sleep too. I’m not a heavy smoker and only have a few hits in the evening when I wind down and get ready to hit the rack.


Agree! Widow is a good one or Gelato. Auto is all I do as I can’t completely control outside light in my space. I started doing two plants in a 2x4 tent. It gets crowded and you have to keep reminding the girls to share but it’s doable. When the tent is full of vegetation it gets harder to maintain the backside. A small oscillating clamp fan near the bottom helps. Don’t let her eat it though. She will try.

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What kind of tent do you have that you can’t control outside light? My tent is light proof

I started with auto flower plants with the thoughts of an out door grow in northern climate. It didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Moved indoors and eventually I switched to photos and I’ll probably never do an indoor auto again.
Autoflower plants are great for out door growers a bit farther north but I see no reason to do them indoors. I don’t get the hype and why so many people grow them

  • their fun but a challenge
  • grow and train many more per sqft
  • no worries for the helicopter parent wanting to open the tent every 30 minutes :joy:
  • Generally reach harvest faster….generally.

I grow both and find each has its advantages and disadvantages :love_you_gesture: