1st time scrogging -- thoughts?

ok cool. you reminded me though. . .if you can, try to take pics from the side view and not the top. Reason is, it’s a lot easier to assess the growth from day/day and week/week. Yeah, they will get a little taller, but mostly they are gonna get wider. :slight_smile:
seeing that from the side will be easier.

Your plants are looking simply fantastic, btw.


here’s the side view


@Bigbloomer78 Those are some nice buds there. Are you planning on staying in hydro? If so. I sill see if I can get @neofirebird over here for some advise. He was good in it before going to coco. Do you mainly do autos?

no all I do is check the pH make sure when I mix her food she maintains 6.5 constantly I check her water every 2 days

@Not2SureYet That’s a nice offer to see if you can get Bloomer more help with hydro.

I am not a hydro guy and have nothing to share there. :slight_smile: My advice will kill.

And yes, Bloomer, your plants look awesome. Let the fattening commence lol!


yeah it’s less messy and for me it’s much more easier less maintenance the bubbler cleans the water and after that I feed and if the water is 6.5 and your mix is already in your set they just grow big as fuck


Also. check this out. I can see now that you do in fact have some fully-formed trichomes.

Check them out with a 30x loupe, if you can. Sometimes your camera’s zoom function will be all you need (sometimes you have to use it like you are filming a video – that will sometimes give you zoom capabilities).

Anyway, my point is: know your trichomes! They look like little mushrooms, with bulgy tops.

The goodness – the THC, the high, etc. – is the white liquid that fills them up.

So the progression of events should typically be:

Trichomes form. When they are new, they are probably “empty” of THC too. So collectively, when you step back, your plant looks crystalline. :slight_smile:

Remember, those are just empty trichomes. :slight_smile:

What’s next? They will begin to literally fill up with white/cloudy substance. This is something you will see with the loupe.

As they fill up, the trichomes will often (not always) stand up straighter, and their mushroom bulbous tops will inflate even more. Good things!

This is where the plant will go from being “sparkly” (empty trichomes) to being “snowy” (full trichomes). This is why a weed plant at the end will go through some subtle changes – the crystally sparkliness of the empty trichomes, vs. the more uniformly white, snowy coating of the full trichomes.

And this is where I harvest. Max potency, probably on the “racier” end of the spectrum.

Amber trichomes? That white milky THC liquid goes amber as it ages and converts into other stuff. Long story short, the more amber, the greater the THC potency loss and the sleepier the high. I don’t really like any amber.

Btw, that THC liquid? It’s also sticky. Sticky bud is sticky because of two reasons:

  1. Part of the sticky is naturally exuded from the plant as a way to ward off insects
  2. Part of the sticky is because you’re smooshing the trichomes with your fingers. :slight_smile:

Number one is fine, number two less so. And believe me, those fuckers are delicate. I’ve damaged my weed by simply dragging my sweatshirt sleeve over the buds as I reached for something.

Remember, this is just trichome identification. Those are different from the “hairs” (which are pistils) that people reference. The pistils don’t require any magnification. Most of the time, those white hairs will be 70 - 80% brown or rust colored, kind of spindly looking, and closer-in the the bud than they are when they’re new.

When you find your trichomes and your pistils in those two states, that is the time to harvest. :slight_smile:

FYI, this is all true, whether you’re growing in soil, hydro or coco.


So, more personally. . .you are a 46 yo grower and dad, but not a smoker? I’m 58, a dad, a smoker who didn’t smoke for about 30 years. I drank professionally instead. :wink: I don’t drink any more. Raised my daughter on my own. She’s almost 30, not a grower.


it’s definitely super sticky I was cutting off the dead parts will anything happen if I just leave them there growing of so I have to take them out. I can’t smoke I tried it and got paranoid for like a month so I just don’t smoke it’s not for me


this the clearest with my magnifying glass I can take pictures of

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Those all look pretty milky to me. About where I chop mine.

You don’t have to take them off but you can. About the pics, yes, I vote for getting in closer. I cannot tell if those truly in range and I try very hard not to get caught up in the “let’s chop it!” frenzy typical of teenagers. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also, again, let me reiterate: if you agree with my earlier post and think that these probably began to flower in the 3rd week of September, they VERY likely will not be ready for another 2 - 4 weeks. Cannabis buds usually take 8 - 10 weeks, period. Some outliers will be 7 or 12, but the vast majority of cannabis trains – regular photoperiod seeds or feminized or autoflower – will take between 8 and 10 weeks, and 8 to 11 if I’m being truly honest.

They would never be ready in 4 weeks.

Here’s a decent loupe:

Are you able to get your hands on a 30x loupe, like this one?

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idc I’ll leave them there for 3 more months I just want it to grow bc the buds are hard and it looks like some exotic bud for sure


it won’t be THAT long. But I know you’re gonna grow some amazing flower for your son, or whoever you gift it to!


question my healthiest greenest plant all of a sudden turned completely yellow I flushed her but I find it weird from one day to another she completely yellows out


Okay, you’ll have to do some detective work cause a lot of issues could cause this:

Roots already rotted out/damaged from earlier?
Nitrogen deficiency (you don’t want to feed too much N during flower, but maybe?)
Other nutritional deficit/overages
Root bound (these look like small containers)
Light stress (Idk why so many leaves would be yellowed, though)

How fast did this happen? Have you inspected the plants carefully for bugs (front and back of leaves, stem, soil surface, etc.)

You will need to give me as much information on your grow as you can for this (environment details, nutrition details, watering details, etc. Just a simple, thorough list might work best.

You’re in flower so you have to get this resolved quickly.

Also, check out the link below.

There may be a chance, since you just flushed, that your soil is totally depleted of nutrients. Is that possible? If it is possible, I would give some fertilizer to them ASAP but only at 1/2 strength. Assess their response in 12 - 24 hours.

Make sure you read through the whole page before you take your next step. Like I said, it could be happening for a lot of different reasons. It’ll live though. :slight_smile: Don’t remove any leaves.

The causes and solutions for yellow cannabis leaves. - RQS Blog.

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it was the pH it was at 8.0 it was vitamin lockout

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I can see a little color coming back that’s the plant in the baby hydroponic square it grew so fast I didn’t have space to give it

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