Ok so maybe im insane but i just did a scrog on the day i change the nutes for week 2 if flower. I had to defol the hek out of all 4 plants to make this work. I also topped 1 of the plants. Still have to top the other 3.
Any advice? I figure i should leave the plants alone until everything turns upright. No bud sites had really formed yet so i think i got it in early enough. @Reed71@beardless@dbrn32
Once you’re on 12/12 you should avoid removing tops. There was no bud sites yet, but very unlikely you’ll get full development out of new nodes. Save topping for while still in veg with some time to recover and build replacement growth.
I’m not huge fan of running a scrog, but if this is what you’re looking to do i would shape canopy and then move to flowers schedule. Imo this is what separates a nice grow from a mouth watering grow.
Yea its definitely a work in progress lol The whole frame was added because i originally had 2 eye bolts attached to a lid for the lift hoist, but once the plants started growing bud, the whole lid would try flipping everytime i had it hoisted. This solved that problem plus gave me a place to hang my meter/probes, and framing for a trellis lol
All the leaves starting to correct themselves now. Might need a week or so for them to get completely set tho. That was a lot of bending and twisting all at once. List some branches along the way, but i think theyll all fill back in nicely.
Already mostly facing up and crowding eachother. Going to be a lot easier tucking leaves with this set up…but im not touching anything for a solid week. I dont want to stress them out anymore. By the looks of things though, im going to have a lot of bud sites all getting the same exact amount of light.
Ironically, my level is keeping my light level (well it was…just noticed its not anymore)
I prefer fast, usually using additional plants to fill canopy instead of topping and/or training to fill canopy. Is not really a matter of a certain way being better or worse, just different. But regardless of method you don’t want to removing mains once on flower schedule. There’s just not enough time for plants to generate the growth to replace what you remove would have turned into.
When you guys are trimming leaves to unblock bud sites, is it just leaves that are blocking the top bud sites, or are you removing leaves from a stem that is blocking its own lower sites?
Ive included a picture where there is the main top site, and circled 2 lower ones. It makes a big difference in how many leaves are being removed based on whether its just a main branch getting light, or every single bud node.
@ExoFly I don’t remove any leaves i tuck them out of the way that in picture that should stretch up out of the way just tuck them but some of the others may have different opinions
Ok thanks. What is the main objective tho? Getting light to each top bud, or getting light to each individual bud sight?
Im confused about how the mj plant works in that regard. Does a plant divert more energy to a node that gets more light, or is it distributing energy evenly across the entire branch of the node thats getting direct light, or even the whole plant?
If its the first, the direct light on each node is critical. If its the 2nd thing, then just getting light to each branch is important, and if its the 3rd thing then just getting enough light to the plant overall matters, and tucking leaves away from light would be counter-productive
Plants dont absorb light through the bud right, just the leaves? So what is the point of removing leaves from covering bud sites other than maybe ripening?
Just wanted to add a question…if youre tucking leaves away from bud sites, which limits their ability to collect light, why is that better than cutting them off? Arent tucked leaves just using up resources that could be spent elsewhere?
@ExoFly you will catch on my friend watch the way your plants grow structure and will be able to get good ideal what’s going on them the way alot people grow they want all the energy at the top and don’t worry about underneath me myself i only trim the bottom for good air flow so the plants take care of the rest you don’t have to worry about all leaves them tops will stretch and petty much take care of it all you have to do is tuck here and there to get the most out of the buds