My very first journal, first grow. Lets do this. Planted my clones today. Haven’t been this excited in a long time.
I forgot to add tags. Hope you guys are ok with it @AAA @Bulldognuts @BornHigh420 @CoyoteCody @MidwestGuy
set to watching!!
also welcome to the community!!
@CoyoteCody thanks a lot! I know my room is far from ideal but will have to do for now. Most of the things I’ve learned I’ve read from here, and then someone helping me as well, especially regarding the feeding.
I wanna watch. It’s looking good so far.
Welcome by the way.
@Shaggy thank you
I would like to do my own clones next time. When should I start looking at cuttings?
I do autos. So I haven’t learned that exactly yet. Lol. But I bet @Covertgrower or @Hellraiser could help.
Probably in about a month depending on how they grow, i like to let them get bushy and them trim off some of the smaller bottom branches to use.
18 plants on your first grow,WOW!!! Good luck .Hats off to you Sir
I’m down to watch
I see a few in there now, but waiting until they get older won’t hurt either. Typically they’ll develop side shoots, and I take my clones from the bottom. They don’t usually produce anything anyways.
Clonex, rapid rooters, and a miniature greenhouse should give you 90% success rate even on the first try.
What strains?
I might suggest you do a limited veg time with so many clones, but that’s assuming you have a smallish tent.
@AAA all of them are Cheese. Yes I’m going to have a shorter veg time. Thinking of flipping at max a month, but will monitor them.
Have you tried 100% raw organic honey yet? Saw it on YouTube after my girl read about it. But when I saw the guy do it he said it worked almost as well as clonex but way cheaper.
Can’t say that I have, I’m not saying it won’t work, but the important part is it keeps the clone from having an air embolism causing death. Honey would block air too, just like clonex gel would.
Killer, shorter veg will help keep the plants vigorous as well.
Good luck!
Just now getting caught up on notifications, set to watch good luck and happy growing.
@Shaggy Sorry couldn’t reply, needed to wait 15hours or something because I’m a newbie lol.
I saw that honey move as well on ‘s channel. Taking in mind I’ve got no green fingers and a rookie on top of that, so I’m relying on the inputs I get here.
Thanks @AAA.
Different note, yellow on the center plant, 1st row. Stress due to the move and planting? Were yellow yesterday already