1st Time grower.. cheese head

I’m gonna try the honey if I ever get into photos.

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Ive set to watch if thats cool! :+1:


From what feeding do you guys use calmag? @AAA @Bulldognuts @Shaggy @Dagao22 @Covertgrower

I don’t have any calmag. I was thinking about getting some. But honestly, it’s a nute, from my understanding if you give too much it’s actually not great for your plants. And I’ve read you don’t need if you’re plants are feed nutes right and eating healthy and what not you’re other nutes should have some in it.

This is starting to be a pain in my but. My room is in a outside building, but not perfectly isolated. Temperature is not very stable at the moment. But what’s bugging me is my light off period, is a bit early in the day (6:00 - 12:00) must I rather stretch it over a hotter part of the day?

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I use cal mag the day I start feeding.


Okay cool. Then will be doing so tomorrow first time

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I haven’t used it yet but I think it’s in my nutes

@Dagao22 It’s in my nutes as well. But I’ve seen a lot of mixed responses and opinions on the forum, so I’m thinking im going to do half the girls added calmag, and other half nutes only. Think it sould be cool to see the comparison


Yea absolutely I’m curious

Do you run your calmag full strength? Or do acclimate your plants to it by starting small and working up?

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Full strength.
Be aware that using cal mag also increases your nitrogen ratio, so try to adjust your other nutrients accordingly if needed.


Noted thank you. How would I adjust it, or rather know the correct ratio. I’m using 3part nutes from General Hydroponics

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Which cal mag product are you using?
It should have a NPK ratio on it.
Just add that into your current feedings. You may have to cut back on the veg nutrients. You may not. Depends on how much your feeding and your plants requirements.


@Covertgrower I honestly have no idea what you are referring to… pardon my idiotic question

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That brand contains 30g of nitrogen, per dose. It looks like.

Most contain a NPK ratio of what it has in it.

Here’s mine, 15-0-0

I’ll do a bit more research on my brand. So for all practical purposes, i should go half strength?

That sounds safe.

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Great stuff, thank you man! I’ll post some update pics later in the week. They haven’t moved much yet

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End of Day 2. 2days since last feeding. Notice how moist the soil still is

@Bulldognuts @AAA @CoyoteCody @DefNSmokn @Dagao22 @Shaggy @SheilaT