So I bought these plants from a local dispensary, 3 of them are clones and 1 is a seedling. The strain of the seedling is “Blueberry Muffin” the 3 clones are “Vanilla Frosting”, “Chile Verde”, and “Doctors Orders”. I’ve had them since Mother’s Day this 2020 and they have grown pretty well. They’ve been outdoor since I first got them. I’m using Recipe 420 soil and was mainly watering alone with bottle water. Every once in a while I would use super thrive to give it a boost. Just recently I transferred them from 1 gal to 10 gal fabric pots. Yesterday, I watered with fox farm grow with the recommended feeding. They haven’t died yet so I assume I’m doing something right. This is my very first grow so I’m hoping it turns out well. If anybody has any advice I’m open to it. I live in California in the Bay Area. I will be posting updates. Also to add in Im also growing a seedling from a seed I got from some dispensary weed. It’s about a month old and doing pretty good too. Or so I assume, looks like some pest got to my seedling. I sprayed them all with captain jacks dead bug from a local nursery.
I don’t grow outdoors, but they look happy and healthy to me, you’re doing something right. I just moved from SoCal, I miss it. Why am growing my own
Let’s tag @OlyBoy98503, he is a north of you, and does some amazing things outdoors, see if he has any feedback for you.
Thank you, I’m trying my best. Yes please tag anybody. I’m open to all advice.
Here is Olys grow journal. He has very happy and healthy plants ahead of your growth time. Take a look.
First, I find it amazing that you can buy seeds and clones at dispensaries in CA. So cool. And I used to live in Long Beach. I flew down there this past September to see the Rams hand the Seahawks their asses. That sucked. But I stopped at a dispensary down in LB called The Circle and it blew my mind. I’ve probably visited 20-25 weed stores here in WA and OR and we have NOTHING compared to what I saw down there.
Imagine walking in to a Big Lots but the inside was a weed store that looked like an apple store. I literally stood in the door with my mouth open. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Amazing.
Anyway… I think your plants look great. We can certainly tell that your girls were somebody’s buffet for one hot minute. Chomp chomp chomp. I’m glad you caught it in time to hit it with Jacks.
I looks like some of the leaves are showing early signs of needing help. The plant in 1&2 and 7&8 have leaves that look like early signs of potassium deficiency. Dig around on the forum for a few minutes and you’ll find a chart that goes over what to look for with nutrient deficiency symptoms and over feel symptoms.
Aside from the potassium defiance and a few bug chomps, I think they look pretty good. Your baby plant is what I’d call cannadorable.
Keep an eye on the red stems. Some of my plants have them. It might be genetic, but it might also be a sign of Magnesium deficiency.
It’s funny to think that we make all of this talk about overfeeding overwatering nutrient deficiencies… But these really are easy plants to grow. There is a whole lot of info here when you want to see just how far down the rabbit hole of learning can go.
I’m still learning. I don’t know half as much of some of the folks around here. I don’t even have a ph meter or the other one yet for measuring nutes and stuff. I just do it by looking at my plants. But I’d hate to have to lift those 10 gallon pots to see if they need watering.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions and tag people if you want their attention. Find other people growing what your growing, and how you are growing, and if you like what they’re doing, tag along to that thread so you can watch their progress and ask questions. (Just tag them in your thread if you want them to see your pictures).
Also, post lots of pictures of your plants. Make little labels for your plants so that when you take pictures we can also learn how your strains are growing by their name.
Most of all, I hope you’re having half as much fun as I’m having with this hobby.
Welcome to the ILGM!
Maybe I’ll be able to fly down to SF to see the Seahawks hand the 49ers their asses this year.
@Zee Thanks for the introduction! You’re like the Welcome Wagon sometimes! I wish I was like that. Lol!
@SweetsOnDeck Here’s an outdoor grow in big pots that you might consider reading and following. Hella has a few week head start on growing, but I think you will be right behind in your grow. You can see one of the nutrient deficiency issues that you might have in a few weeks. He already know more about killing critters that are chomping on his plants than I do. If you want, tag along and you me and @Zee can all ask him questions! Lol!
Where did you live in SoCal, Zee?
@NellaBella Wow! What are those mamas?!?!
Lots of people have been having issues with posting pictures. From what I’ve read, the admins are working on upgrading and fixing the flux capacitor (or whatever it is) so people can post pics again. Some people have luck and some don’t. I find that taking pics with my phone, but posting the pics when I post from my tablet works best for uploading pictures. I don’t know what works for you, but you’ve got a lot of weed going there.
Thank you!
That’s got to be a Lost In Space or Star Trek reference!
BTW, these are White Widows started in a Aerogarden, in self watering 5 gallon buckets in a Nor Cal, greenhouse. And it’s really hot up in here.
Oh, wait! Back To the Future !
@NellaBella Yay! You guessed right! Ten points for Hufflepuff!
I hope you have better luck with your grow this year. I don’t know what I hate more… the deer or the thieves?
Beautiful San Diego. It was a very hard decision to leave. I have 4 kids and didn’t make a million a year to afford to buy a house. It was an amazing 3 years
Love San Diego. I lived there from 1994 to 2000. I miss it too.
Just an update on my clones and seedling. They look like they are doing fairly well, tbh I didn’t have a PH meter until a couple days ago, so from now on I’m going to be adjusting that with the nutrients I’m using. I started some more intense LST. I’ve done it in the past, but not as much as I’m doing now. Just yesterday watered them with just purified water, but next time I’m going to feed with nutrients again, I think I’m going to feed with nutes twice then just water alone. Some of the inner branches aren’t coming out, but if I’m correct I think I have until August or so left for veg. Can’t think of anything else new, I noticed some leaves in the bottom that didn’t look that good, but I’ve just been focusing on new growth, which has been looking healthy. That’s all for now.
Blueberry Muffin
Chile Verde
Vanilla Frosting, noticed after topping that the top fan leaf looks rounded, any advice?
Doctors Orders
Unknown seedling
Just transplanted they seedling to a 5 gallon fabric pot. Bought some mycorrhizae from my local nursery. I’ve heard of it, but like I said this is my very first grow so why not. I sprinkled some on the bottom and filled the rest in with soil. Then I watered it with 2 tsp of fox farm grow and ph to 6.25
The Girls all look good and healthy. Set to tag along stay lit
Update: Ladies look like they are doing pretty good. Still continuing training, but I feel like I don’t see any growth from the vanilla frosting. Pretty sure it pre flowered for whatever reason, but maybe it’s slow idk. It also seems like my the top soil gets dry pretty quickly like maybe an inch or two is dry the day after watering by the end of the day. I’ve just been watering probably every 3-4 days and only feed with nutrients every other feeding. Still using purified water, but keeping my Ph around 6.4, been having a problem with aphids and I’ve seen a few little spiders, but nothing major. I spray them still, but found that you can get distilled water and a few drops of mild soap to take care of the aphids. If anyone has any tips or what not. Let me know. Thanks everyone.
Blueberry Muffin
Chile Verde
Doctors orders
Vanilla frosting
Unknown seedling
They are progressing nicely, rich color green. They look happy.