Day 3 in FFOF under the dome with heat, humidity. No change. I fear it was too late to rescue these 3 plants. Key mistake I am guessing is not realizing I needed nutes in the rock wool water.
I will try starting 5 more seeds. If successful they will be transplanted into FFOF. I’d welcome any advice re whether to use rock cubes again but dip daily in pH 6 water with nutes, or whether to skip rock wool and plant in small pots of FFOF. I really appreciate the help, thank you all.
I wouldn’t give up on the original sprouts. Unless they have done the belly flop?
If you are going to grow in soil, I would recommend you start them in soil. If you are in a position to get some generic organic potting soil with perlite then I would start them in something like that for sprouting.
FFOF is high in nutrients and is s bit hard on some sprouts. If you want you can sprout in that and they should do fine too.
I’d save the cubes for taking and rooting clones! @Hogfather
What germination method did you use?
No belly flop. Current photos attached.
I have not given up on these girls yet!Yes, I will grow in FFOF. I’ll look and see if I can get organic potting soil with perlite to sprout batch 2. The more I have read the more I have picked up that people talking rock wool are talking clones.
I germinated in tap water left 24hr to sit at room temp, then added seeds, left for 24hr to soak, then placed in the rockwool cubes. All germinated quickly.
they look like nutrient burn and it looks like the new top growth has browned? Not real promising. Keep them going but start a couple more! @Hogfather
Yes, but no nutes. And yes, top growth seems to have stopped and browned. These are now 17d post germination. I’m holding out little hope but we will see.
How about starting new seeds in Black Gold brand organic potting soil.with perlite and pumice and 0.05 – 0.0 – 0.0 fertilizer? Better than FFOF? Best to start in 3 or 4" peat pots?
that soil would be fine! I stopped using the peat pots because they hold in to much water and don’t let the roots breath.
Let me show you what I use… BRB
That shows what I did. Solo cups will work too as long as they have plenty of holes in them!
@Hogfather I also show how I germinate as well! (Those were autoflowers and since then I don’t put them into those cups anymore, straight into 3 gallon pots! )
Those work fine for photos!
I have similar dome, T5, heat pad. So seedlings must be physically removed from the plastic pots to transplant? At what age / stage of devel typically?
Getting watering right terrifies me! How do you do this? Will additional nutes need to be added before they graduate from the dome?
Sorry for so many questions. I thought this would be easy - it is weed after all. But apparently not so!
They can stay on cups and you just water them and wait an hour or so and they will slide right out of the cups. I use the cups in the new pots, fill with soil and then slide them right out into that hole.
As to how old? Depends on the plant. Generally they are good in them for 2-4 weeks. Are you under any sort of time constraints?
They won’t need nutrients for awhile especially in those soils Both are plenty enough nutrients for the first weeks. We can talk about nutrients down the road. I would say you are probably good for until they are in their big pots for a few weeks.
What part of the water are you referring to?
No time constraints. Retired and going nowhere
How much water, best delivered how. Only spray in dome? Water the pots by standing for x sec in Ph 6 water?
I don’t know how to thank you for holding my hand here. I really appreciate it.
no problem brother. I am retired too. I work part time, but I enjoy helping!
I fix up a spray bottle of 6.5 water and I do spray some at the base of the stem and also on the dome. If you are going to use one of those big domes then it is easier to spray the plant and around some on the dome. If you use a cut off water bottle for a dome then spraying the dome is fine.
What I do is read as many of the topics as I can and I take what works or what works for me and I use it.
It is weed but for some reason, when we pot it up and try to grow it under lights it can get a little weird.
So basically it all depends on the size of the containers, the size of the domes etc, but really I try to do the best I can and sometimes I get busy and things get a little off track. I tend to grow in pairs and one will always be fine and the other will act weird. I’m not sure why that is, but it is. The sprouts need high humidity but usually by the time they are a week old they are fine.
I have two Amnesia Haze Autos going in 3 gallon pots. One is perfect the other looks like heck. I had to re-dome her last night and return to spraying her. She is just shy of two weeks old and will likely not amount to much as the veg time of the autos is usually pretty short, but I am gonna try to keep her going!
High humidity = 80-90% week 1? And just spray to achieve this and that is sufficient water?
Off to buy solo cups tomorrow
Stupid question- but did you rinse your rock wool cubes first??
Also there’s many ways to germinate and start seedlings. I started mine directly into starter plugs. And then directly into FFOF and had no issues.
You’ll find what works best for you. But I think rockwool is best for use in hydro- I’ve never used them so can’t say one way or the other. I do know they work for soil too.
I’ve seen firsthand how much bigger the roots get with rock vs anything else. My next grow after this one will be all rock wool in a smart pot.
Good to know! Maybe I’ll try next time!
So many different ways to grow with different results for each. Keep trying new things @Ray4x keep learning to find the best way for you. And you never know you might come up with something new.
@bob31 thanks for your help @Hogfather bob has you on the right track I personally like to start in a shot glass or paper towel and in a solo cup with fox farm or pro mix don’t need to be very deep 1/4 in tops you will get them girls going I like to be stubborn sometimes
If your seedlings get too leggy try repotting them with soil up to about 1/4 inch below the leaves. They will often recover and grow roots along the leggy stem. Be really careful to not over water in the week or so after. I haven’t sprouted in rock wool, but use it exclusively for cloning, I just have better results with it.
I don’t like peat pots! They are either too dry or to wet all the time! Plus they restrict root growth, although they are not supposed to! I start my seeds in a small plastic pot, with a hood.
Not a stupid question at all! Yes, I soaked the rock wool cubes in pH 5.5 water before popping the seeds in. Initially they did great, all 5 germinating and and showing 1st pair of leaves by day 5.
@Hogfather I wouldn’t give up on them either @bob31 is right just ph water them and see if the recover don’t feed them anything till round leave yellow and fall off
Bobs right about the ffof soil it hot and some plants don’t mind being started in it and some do I have started plants in it tho with success but a starter soil is best if you can obtain it as bob stated
Ph to 6.5 in soil