Yellowing leaves on new plant

Hey all, this is sort of a followup on last year’s “nitrogen deficiency or nitrogen surplus?” thread.

I started 8 plants at the same time and all have had identical conditions (I know it’s early; I have a heated greenhouse and they’re all autos). They are now all in the greenhouse; I amended the bed with organic pellet fertilizer and fish compost. One plant is yellowing, the rest are all doing great! Funny thing is, the yellow plant (which is super silver haze) has had mini-buds on it since it was tiny, like maybe 3" tall. It’s like a pot bonsai tree… There is a second SSH in these plants, from the same batch of seeds, but without the small buds yet.

Any ideas welcome, and thanks. My gut is that the soil dried a bit while I was away and so the plant couldn’t take up fertilizer. But what do you think? Photos to follow in a moment. In the overview photo, the affected plant is lower left.


If she’s flowering and the others aren’t, she’s probably hungry for some flower food.


Ah, yes, that could be. She had flowers while still in the seed tray! Crazy. I’ll give it a shot.

BTW, the brown spots on some of the leaves are just where the plant grew too close to the lights in the seed starter setup.



Are you ph-ing your water?

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No, I haven’t been. But I wonder if that would selectively affect just one of 8? Maybe if it’s in flower?

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Every strain can like a different ph. They typically like a slightly higher ph in flower, but not much. Still between 6.3-6.8 for soil. Having incorrect ph can cause issues and may lock out some nutrients from being able to be taken up by the roots. Ph is always a good practice when growing Cannabis :+1:


Also occurred to me overnight–the affected plant germinated faster than the others, and was twice their size when transplanted. So it was a little root-bound–and the coloration reminds me a lot of last year’s thread with root-bound plants. I bet it colors up in a few days.


How much medium is in your grow bed? Outdoor you’ll need at least 5 gallons of medium for each plant or they will get root bound. Let me know if you need anything else bro

Thanks MattyBear. The bed is 4x8’ and about 18" deep, so each plant has about 6 cubic feet (45 gallons) of soil. Should do the trick! :slight_smile: I’ll post back on how it develops.


Funny thing over the weekend–all the pistils are now amber and red, and there are trichomes all over, some of which are cloudy. In other words, this plant is showing all signs of being almost ready for harvest!
So here’s my latest theory–the yellowing lower leaves are the normal change that you see when a plant approaches harvest. I think this plant just has a very early expression of auto-flowering!
Such a strange thing, but not much to do except harvest and try it out I guess!