Day 40 of flower was wondering if this is normal the bottom leaf of one plant is going yellow/purple? Ph has been 6.2-6.3 in soil… thanks
Don’t worry about one leaf, it happens. If more follow, then we adjust.
Was just wondering the cause i used Google and there’s 50 different answers. I’ll monitor the next few days see if more appear it’s only the one plant that lead was in the back corner shade a bit to
Flower for our girls is autumn. You will see fall colors in cannabis. When the fade is totally even she is just pulling from the lowers to feed the uppers. If the discoloration is blotchy or getting burnt curling tips, there is usually a deficiency or she is hungry.
Here are a few pics of an even fade on some of my past grows.
Oh ok ya it’s the bottom fan leaf where the pic is from it’s my second grow not sure if I recall it happening last time that’s all. They look beautiful btw. Here was my first one maybe it’s starting to do the same… hoping so
Disregard the first pic lol
NICE fall colors. If a photo monstercrop a few clones I suggest. Better than not and regretting it like I have done. Also I would up ph a bit for flower to the mid/upper ranges.
What do u suggest 6.5 or so ? I’ll adjust next watering
Different nutrient requirements. Cant remember what for what exactly anymore. There are charts floating around up here somewhere showing optimal uptake ph levels for nutrients. I am just muscle memory anymore. I spend so little time in my tents it is scary. Open to water and a few photos then forget.
I think I have that chart somewhere I’ll take a look thanks I’m sure I’m stressing to much for nothing lol
Actually man they are like raising kids. First ones we coddle. Later ones we just do by rote…lol. soon nothing stresses you. I have culled huge hermie and males with zero regret. Super plants. Tagged and bagged. I have come to realize not all are going to be awesome. Hence why stress.
Damn ya I’m still learning I’d rather ask here then Google and get 50 different answers
Lol. That is why we are here my friend. Relieve the stress. Help build good practices. Support. Screw google…lol. Glad you are with us.
So u said up the ph what I’ve been running 6.2-6.3 u think I should up to 6.5-6.8?
Thats where I sit. The range is pretty broad in soil. Im organic/living soil. Broadens it even more. This is just my way and experience. I could be backwards veg/flower. The chart will verify either right or Storm’s dumbassedness. New word. Wife would say the latter.
Thanks so maybe that’s why I’m on the bottom end of phosphorus
Leaves come and go, particularly on the lower part of the plant where the plant’s lower leaves will yellow and eventually fall off as a plant matures.
Your plant is almost done and what you are seeing isn’t necessarily a deficiency.
Here is one of my plants a couple of weeks before harvest (after she had shed many lower leaves.) A plant’s colors will fade as she stops growing and instead focuses on ripening flower.