Yellow leaves week 9 autoflower

Nutrient lockout will normally display all the leaves discoloring. Deficiency will start as leafs or small patches.

If feeding half strength get you the 1000PPM runoff then continue with half strength. When you’re run off is less than a 1000 PPM feed a little more. When your ppms are more than 1,000 feed a little less

When you say you’re flushing what does that mean?

15-20% runoff is recommended with Fox farm trio nutrients and they have a higher salt content than most nutrients. Running off the old replacing it with the new.

The best way to tell if you were locked out of nutrient uptake is your pH will be out of range

Alright. Is 20% runoff 20% of the volume of soil. So water till I get .6 gallons of water. I flushed with the fox farm solution. Put a gallon in and waiting an hour for the detergent to work. Then put three gallons of water through. I found someone that contacted fox farm and this is what they recommended.

Here is my other plant.
Everything is the exact same as other plant except this one got topped and transplanted so I waited an extra two weeks to start feeding. Not till week 6. I know not recommend with autos but I had no other option the roots outgrew the small pot she was it

No, look at it like this…

If you’re in 3 gallon pots
When you mix your nutrients and water together to make feed you would use 1-1/4 gallons of water to get sufficient runoff

If you’re in 5 gallon pots
When you mix your nutrients and water together to make feed you would use 1-3/4 gallons of water to get sufficient runoff

What is this plant’s runoff numbers?

Ok so 20% is by volume of water.

Below 1000

The rule of thumb is to obtain and maintain 1000ppm runoff and runoff pH of 6.5

If your ppms are under 1000ppm feed more

If your ppms are over 1000ppm feed less


And if your water has 300 ppm TDS then consider that when adding nutes.

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Correct the waters PPM counts towards your feeds intake total.

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