What are you feeding the plant? And do you have a ph and TDS meter?
They are in ffhf, last fed nutrients August 24th fox farm trio, went in at 6.5 and 900ppm with ro water, watered Tuesday night added 4ml of cal mag for the first time to a gal of distilled water at 6.5 ph. The run off from the 24th was 6.2 ph and 1100ppm
Have 4 plants at the moment this the only one showing those discolored leafs, it is a northern lights, she took off the fastest and grew the most
Next time you water…and probably throughout the rest of flower, I would start ph’ing your nutrients or water to 6.8. Fox Farm soil always starts to trend low in flower.
And your soil ph being at 6.2 is more then likely locking out some of the nutrients. Your plant will start to feed on itself late in flower, which is what you want. But it’s a little to early for the leaves to be dying off.
Ok, will raise the ph, thanks, how long do the autos usually flower?
Well, that’s hard to answer. I would say that usually it takes around 8 to 10 weeks in flower, not from seed, but when you started seeing pistils.
Ouch, i should have waited on starting my other 4
How long has she been flowering? Like a month?
Yes, some where around there
Probably have a month or so left.
I see most autos start flowering around week 4 and continue until finished. My average autos take 12 weeks pop to crop, so unless it’s some turbo strain like fast one, you are definitely early.
While 6.2 is a bit low, I like 6.5 to give the best chance of most nute availability.
So is flower time the same for a auto and photo?
Not necessarily with all the hybrids we have nowadays. Once all your pistils turn brown you can start checking trichomes with a jeweler’s loupe. Once you see them all turn cloudy your good to chop the plant.
Here is a trichome picture I took yesterday of an auto I have. See the cloudiness? She is just about finished and will be getting cut down next week
Autos trigger themselves into flower while photos must be triggered with a shorter light schedule. As a rule, a photo typically takes around a
Month longer to harvest after germination. But this all depends on the strain and how long you keep the photo in the veg cycle
I need a better loop, shit is hard to focus in on , I guess I got what I paid for,
Ok, I guess I miss understood , thought it was a 60 day plant lol, I wished
Will have to reconfigure my room , to get more light to my yonger plants