Yellow leaves in 40 days auto

Hi! These are my 40 days blue cheese auto. They stayed a bit small and show signs of some nutrient problem but I can’t figure out why

Pot: 600oz
Indoor: 400w Led 18 inches distance.
Water: 17 oz every 3-4 days.
Tap or distilled water Ph 6.0-6.5
Light cycle 24/0


@Donutella welcome to the community! Do you dechlorinate your tap water? What kind of light do you have? It might not be strong enough. Good luck with your grow!

Hi, thanks. Yes, i leave water outside about 2 days to declorate. Sometimes used destilled or Rain water.

Led is a 400w full spectrum 21 Inches distance aprox

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@Donutella everything sounds ok. I personally haven’t had much luck with autos. They do look small to be 6 weeks old. There are some members that do quite well with them. Hopefully they will reach out to you. Don’t give up yet. Here’s a picture of my plants. 5¹/2 weeks, 2 godfather og photo and an incredible bulk photo.


@Donutella what is the temperature normally in your tent? Low temps can affect growth.


My auto is around 40 days +/-…

What specs are you running?

Grow medium

Maybe try backing lighting to 20/4…plants need rest to grow…


Do you got temperature and humidity? Lets whip out the leaf charts.
What soil, what feeding?

A bit like that one but good to know more


Beat me to it. I seen it coming :laughing:


Yup surprisingly I did…:rofl:


Cowabunga Donutella
Welcome to forum :grinning:


Hi. The temperature was high the first 15 days of the plants, maybe that affected them, between 25 -30 C / 77-86 F. Now it has normalized at 21 - 28 C / 70 - 82 F.

I fertilized these plants only once in the last 40 days with a solution of this: 1ml in 1lts (half of what is recommended by the brand)

Maybe I am giving them little water but when I see the leaves I don’t want to give them more for fear that it ends up being an excess and it rots completely.

Is it possible that they are asking me to feed them with flowering fertilizer than for the vegetative? and that is why the plant is consuming its own nutrient?


@Donutella your temps are fine. I split a gal of water between my 3 plants every day. They are in 5 gal fabric pots. I keep the light about 18" above plants. I fertilize at least weekly. What’s your light schedule? If it’s 20/4 try cutting back to 18/6… happy growing


What is the brand and model of your light? Alternatively post a photo of the name plate on your light.

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today seems to get worse

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@Donutella try watering, see if they perk up.

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Every day? are you in a dry o wet climate? Im in a dry climate, and pot its alredy light next day

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@Donutella I’m in tn. Yes, I water every day right after light comes on. The light and the fans dry them out
,What exactly is your light?


Maybe it’s just the pic but it only looks like lower leaves are showing signs. Are you hitting them with water? Like splashing onto the leaves? This can magnify light and cause burn, if there nutes in your water that’s double trouble.

Also, the coyt leaves and first set of true leaves dying isnt uncommon from what I understand.

I mean, other than the few spots, they look healthy and look like they are reaching for light.

Is the plant outside in that pic? Did you pick up some kind of pest outdoors?

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It has been getting worse. Last Wednesday I watered them with 40oz of distilled water and it’s starting to turn more yellow and droop

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We need to check your runoff ph. Youre in flower now, and your runoff ph needs to be between 6.5 and 7, preferably around 6.8 for nutrient uptake needed for flower. A TDS meter to check ppm runoff would be a great tool also. My autos did awesome at 6.8ph with a runoff ppm of 800 to 1000. Autos are finiky and can sometimes be moody when it comes to changes. If youre going to feed a flower nute, start out at about half the recommended dosing. If liquid, check your ph after adding your nutes to make sure it hasnt tanked. Edit : i noticed youre using distilled water… i recommend using tap water thats been setting for 24 hrs to allow for chlorine to evap. Your plant needs the trace nutrients in your water.