WTF -- outdoor garden -- not weed related -- but check this out

I mean what the heck is this mess. Found them on my blackberry bush. Just one leaf and one group of creepy crawlers.

Neem oil, leafcutter ants. Well nevermind, ^^^^ looks a whole lot more like em.

I just googled your image and that came up. I have no clue.
Bugs can look so similar.

dang ants, i have them building ant mounds all over my yard. get rid of one, they just move to another place lol

This is one of the things I found. I also found a statement that they are eating the “trichomes” off the plants. It freaked me out.


If it moves and eats, time to get the Dead Bug Spray, protect your outdoor plants.


They are eight red assassin nymphs or leaf footed bug nymphs. I’m leaning toward the Eastern leaf footed bug nymphs. I cut the branch off, put it into a plastic bag, sprayed with Neem, placed in another plastic bag and into the trash.


well we can’t have that can we…nuke em! BAM!

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Ok – they may be leaf footed bugs – of the dang stink bug family. Argh. But if they’re assassins, then they eat all kinds of other garden bugs. Oh, what to do, what to do. :crazy_face:


Bright lights, dark smokey room, waterboarding, interrogation.


Safe bet is to remove them.
Place them out away from your garden.