Wtf first topping

Never tried this but right after i topped it, only 6 weeks and wemt straight to flower. Did not change light times or watering. What i did.

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Is this an auto?


Yes IDP and white widow

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Sorry Granddaddy Purple

Autos change to flower when they feel like it. You can’t control them with the light schedule. That’s why topping and training them can be tricky for new growers.


What I was successful with my auto was topping after fourth node and removing the bottom two nodes. Was my first plant ever and the growth exploded but you want to do that within days 21-28

I’ll wait for my autos to show signs of their sex before I top so that way I know it’s not me who stressed them out and caused them to flower early.

This is my latest run following that rule

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So if an auto goes into flower it says 6 weeks it will just continue to get bigger if I lite stress train it

Unfortunately there’s no way of knowing. Six is more of an average than a rule. (And maybe a slightly generous average)