Help! There are little worms on my plants, what can I use to kill them? They are all outdoors. This is my first time growing
Do you have a pic of the worms?
Hi there! Post for us all a picture with your problem… we have to see them closely and on wich part on the plants they are!
Spinosad is a bacterium that is safe for flowering. Captain jacks dead bug is a name brand, and will work too. But any product with spinosad will be safe.
@Myfriendis410 battled caterpillars. I forgot what he did, but I think he manually hunted the bastards down and killed them.
He will stop by soon, and may offer more wisdom than I have on this.
Pick off all you can find, then spray down with either: Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew, or Safer Caterpillar killer. Both use a (benign to humans and pets) bacteria that is lethal to pests. Takes about 5 days to work then repeat.
Thank you all so much, I really appreciate all the help.
And by the way, is this plant male or female? It is the same plant that has the worms
Yep thise a girly parts!
Thank you, I just saw all the things that look like little balls and thought they were seeds and didn’t know if it was a male or female, how can I tell if it’s a male or a female?
Thank you, this is all new to me, greatly appreciated