Hello everyone I will be using worm castings in this grow…how will I apply it in to soil and top dress??5gallon fabric pots??
What you’re adding when using compost or casting is the bacteria and microbes. As a fertilizer they are rated like .5-.5-.5. You could add a cup a week and do alright. I top dress once a month at 1 cup. But I’m not feeding my plant, I’m feeding my soil so it’s strictly to replenish the bacteria and microbe population.
Best use of worm castings is to make worm casting teas with them and dilute that 4:1 Roughly. 2-3 cups of castings in a panty hose hung into a five gallon bucket. 1/3-1/2 a cup unsulfered molasses, non chlorinated water, air pump and stone for 100-200 gallon fish tank, then time bubble for about 24-36 hours. Dilute the tea and voila!!! The plants below are grown with only using teas for living soil No deadrients used here!!!
Is that 4 water and 1 casting or vice versa? I use boogie brew mostly
4 parts water to one part tea and boogie wooogie wooogie brew ICP better watch out I got a new version of their jams
Cool, @Rev.LeftLane! Gotcha Boogie Bro…Jam on
Love that thick azz trunk on your girl…
Thanks @madhatter1 they all pretty much are as thick but the bonsai bend makes me chuckle. Last year my wife says I wish they’d have put more effort into growing up instead of down
My 2 runts only around 18" high had the biggest and thickest buds. Stem was about 3/8" Lost 1 whole plant to bud rot. Haven’t picked the other squirt yet. It has a bit of the rot also. Just to much damn rain lately.
Same here tons of rain I’m rather nervous of what is to come.
Im pretty impressed with this girl. Yes the plant not my wife…
… well her as well. But she’s grown that much in 11-12 days
Next yr i’m gonna build a movable small hoop house i can cover them with or make it fixed. I need to keep the intense sun off of them. That’ll help forsure.
Yeah I hear that make sure it’s big enough height wise you never know what you’ll end up with. I’m moving this fall so not much sense doing any of that this year here.
I hear ya. I’ll keep them controlled to make sure of that. This Fl heat is insane. I’m moving myself next year or sooner.
Where too?
Around the Wytheville or Bristol Va. area. I need seasons mountain views country livin and realistic temps. You can stick Fl where the sun don’t shine. lol
I heard that
Got a nice race track up there i live near martinsville race track in Va