Window AC Units

Summer is approaching in my area and I know my Central Air isn’t going to be able to keep the room my tent resides in cool enough. Along with that I have been struggling to keep my humidity down below 60-63% (Specially at night with the light off).

So I was doing some looking and noticed that some of the window AC units come with a dehumidifier option. I know this option isn’t as good as a real dehumidifier but I was hoping it might be good enough.

Anyone out there using a window AC unit to keep temps & humidity low?


A lot of members use a. Air conditioner for cooling, and humidity control. They dehumidify and cool at the same time.


I bought a window AC unit. My tent is under the house so I just propped it up outside the tent, made a makeshift ducting and it blows directly into the tent through one of the lower screen windows. I didn’t need to worry about venting it outdoors but you may need to depending on your setup.


I use a window unit for extra cooling in the room my tents are in to help the heat pump. I use a separate dehumidifier though I do have a portable ac in my bedroom that has a dehumidifier function, but I’ve never used it, it would require a drain hose where the stand alone dehumidifier has a tank.

I imagine a window unit with dehumidifier functions could drain out the window…
One of these would definitely help you I believe.


The one i use is self contained and cools the condeser by drawing ait past it and venting outside. If you are near a window this might work. It’s also a dehumidifier. You can choose one with a drain hose like mine or one where you empty an internal container. Got it from Amazon and it works great


I insulated my shed and installed a window ac unit (smart ac with WiFi control). Also have a portable ac unit as backup. My shed functions as my long room.

The only way I can control cooling and humidity in the Deep South. Works well


Put in a window AC unit yesterday. Its doing great at cooling the room down, but its dropping the temperature far faster than the humidity so I can’t leave it running. Along with that my main humidity issues are at night when the lights are off. Temps drop and its to cold out for the AC unit to even run.

Off to the store for a dehumidifier. AC will still come in handy soon once the summer heat hits.


So I ran into a situation in the fall when still needing AC in the day but not so much at night and where my heat pump thermostat is in the hallway and the window unit is hook up to a inkbird thermostat in my lung room. I couldn’t keep a steady temperature…

Basically it was hard for me to maintain the temperature I wanted. Both would run getting temperature down and the window unit would shut off but the heat pump would keep cooling.

I first tried just running the window unit on a lower setting and that kinda helped but not really…

I then just shut the vent coming from the heat pump and let just the window unit control my lung room and it was perfect…

I realize you may need both the cooling but if you could somehow reduce the cooling input from your heat pump to the room.
In theory, this should allow the window unit to run longer without dropping temps so fast and efficiently removing more moisture…

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I have the same issue. Window ac unit cools my lung room fine but I have to run a good size dehumidifier as well.

I can maintain around 78 degrees in my tent and low 40s humidity. I live in the Deep South so heat and humidity is a big deal.

My dehumidifier is inside of my tent. Have experimented with it outside of the tent

Got my dehumidifier from Amazon. Love the Govee products and can monitor the temp and humidity from an app (WiFi).

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