Hey guys, doing a little run of this white widow cbd seed. It’s an autoflower as well.
Started germinating Friday last week. Put the seeds in filtered water and in complete darkness for 24 hours. Saw a tiny tail the next day, put the seed between 2 cotton pads and stuck it in a warm dark environment, sprayed it with filtered water. The tail grew more by the night time, so I placed the seed in my little pot of Fox farms ocean forest. it came out of the soil the next day Sunday morning.
This is it now.
I feel like it’s doing just fine.
May be a little stretchy but it’s on a window right now getting some good direct sun.
Do you think it would be okay to stick it outside soon?
I am afraid I will burn it from too much light.
It is roughly 83 degrease where I’m at with a RH of 20%.
From my understanding, the plant will need a much higher humidity level at this stage.
I am at 5,712 ft in elevation in Prescott Az if that helps any to describe my climate.
Anyone have any remedies without expensive equipment to help raise the humidity around the plant? I was thinking of getting a tray of rocks and water, I hear that helps.
Or a fine mist of water around perhaps ?
I’m trying to grow this plant outside eventually anyways, so I wanna get it acclimated.
Please any tips and comments are always welcome
I’m trying to do this grow as affordable, natural and organic as possible.
I don’t have any grow tents or any lights. I know my plants won’t get as big as they could be because there isn’t full 12-15 hours of sun where I am, there is throughout the yard somewhat, but I will need to move the plant around the yard lol.
The deck out back gets a good 6-7 hours of direct light a day. It’s becoming more now since summer is here.
I live in a forest too surrounded by ponderosa pines. So there is trees all around which is why I don’t benefit from 12 hours of sun like some people have out in the open land without tons of tree coverage.
This is a big reason why I chose Autoflowers. Because I know photoperiods probably wouldn’t grow well here. I am well aware of the sun issues, which I will be fixing at some point with some grow light. But I am just trying to see where this goes and any help is definitely appreciated.
If anyone has grown in forests and know some good tips for me I’d really appreciate it!
Once this plant is ready to be transplanted, It’ll be going in a 5 gallon grow bag with ocean forest soil.
Ask any questions too!