White Widow Autoflower - 3 weeks old - would you like to follow me on her journey?

After topping, you can remover the veeeery bottom growth at the 1 pointers and this will help direct energy into the small branches still present.

You have to treat me like I’m stupid…what?

I will chop her tomorrow as I have no honey…will agave syrup work lol

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You Go Girl :v:

I’m not sure about agave syrup. Plain aloe vera works. Unscented, no moisturizer. Cut it where the line is, and snip off those one pointers and the little bit of growth where the arrows are. She may droop a little, that’s normal…

Sorry, edited the photo wrong at first. This is how I would top.

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Got it! Thanks buddy! I will buy honey tomorrow and chop her head and legs off!


Great pointers from @Borderryan22 and I’ll add that some LST will still be needed to create an even canopy for equal lighting distribution across the bud sites :love_you_gesture:. Stick with @Borderryan22….he’s a great source for info :muscle:. For illustration here’s one topped and LST :love_you_gesture:

Several weeks later


Yep! Like OG said, keep the branches horziontal for just a bit to space out the buds. I like to let them get a little wider than the pot before going vertical. Word of caution… When she starts popping pistils, hold off on stress training. Autos throw pistils when they’re going in to flower. Photoperiods throw pistils when they are mature enough to start. Autos flower themselves, photos have to be forced. And when autos start flowering, stress training can stunt them.


NOICE! Looks awesome!

Got it!

I will be chopping tonight after I have purchased honey…

so just chop where directed and also LST or just chop?

What does topping do that LST does not…edumacate me


Top above the 5th or 6th node leaving about a 1/4” nub, this will help prevent splitting :pray:. Topping stops the apical growth and splits 1 top into 2 and increasing harvest yield :love_you_gesture:


I spread the top sprout and cut it to the stem 4 weeks old maybe

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I don’t think she likes being chopped. Seems to need water a lot more than my last one.

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I chopped her head off and now a week later she looks depressed - I have not given nutes yet - she seems super thirsty - soil gets dry quick - compared to last grow…I have nutes from ilgm - FLOWERTIME GROWTIME etc - what do you advise? I did no lst i just chopped her head off

Certainly not as big as her sister at this time in her life - but sister produced airy buds that I am now curing…hopefully will be better - get good high - I think I did something wrong coz buds not compact - dried for 10 days - at which point were very brittle - now curing and seeming better

Can anyone help? Here are pictures of her today. She wasn’t pissy since I topped her - which is fine - learning curve…but just not growing…same conditions as my last one which grew well…

Fertilizer - two weeks ago I gave her 8 cups of correctly portions boost - then next time just water - last time I gave her 4 cups correctly portioned flower time and 4 cups water - she looks terrible….looks homeless…

any advice? Flush …. Keep going…slap her?

Bunger can you help with my updated pictures?


All’s I can say is when my girls looked ok but not vibrant they were in lock out flushed with 5-7 gallons then they came back. Like wasmentioned on a post about them telling us what they need, i learned in my case no nutrients till their 3rd month or later. I likethe wYitlooks lower leaves dying as she matures. Maybe an answer hoping others will chime in.

Thanks. So you think flush her?

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There is a tag you can fill in to give a better Idea on your whole game plan. I dont want to lead you wrong Ill tag some of the grofamily, @OGIncognito @GreggT @Graysin @Newt @KPC @AfgVet hello out there Lozzie is in need and Becuse just because I don’t want to give wrong advice. I suggested Flushing but reaching out i see you already have the support ticket at the start of you journey