White Widow Autoflower - 3 weeks old - would you like to follow me on her journey?

cut off her top? holy shit! I thought you weren’t to do that to autoflowers?

why top her and not just lst?

I topped mine at 3weeks

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I dont LST. I top and supercrop.

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Oh crap!

Ok…I’ll tell ya…I’m not the type to ask for advice and not take it - that pisses me off…so I guess I am considering topping…I just watered her and popped her back into the closet…should I pull her out from her slumber and chop off her head?

Could you give me any brief info as to why to do this rather than LST - I have not looked up topping and wonder if you can give me a stupids persons briefing…

I’ll grab another picture - what do you need to see

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@Borderryan22 is the man for LST.

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Tell me about topping…why would I top her and not just lst


See the last 2 sets of leaves on the top growing out left and right? 1/2" above where it meets the main stem/ cut it off. Lets wait for @Borderryan22 to respond so you have another option.

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ok…action taken tonight…or tomorrow…lol…here are some other pictures so you can confirm where i chop

1/2" above the last 2 leaves growing left and right

Imagine the red line is pulling the plant. I’d bend right where it is, no breaking, and pull it to almost where the red line stops…

Oh wait, are we topping?? Then snip the baby right where the red line is on the last post. You’ll have 4 mains that way. Another node up will give you 6.

here or a little further above just under the baby leaves?

I think we are topping…just to see the difference…lol…I guess it’s all about learning right…

Jsut have to be exact as to where to chop her

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you tell me where and i’ll make the cut…lol…6 or 4 …what would you do…and where…

Im needy but I listen

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I would leave 6, juuuust in case it take a little time to recover.

could i bother you to show me exactly where to chop her head off?

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I’d go right above that white arrow. Leave a little of the stalk so that any potential rot or infection won’t effect the nodes.

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You can put a dab of honey omwhere you cut so that it seals and helps heal.

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