So I’m nearing harvest, I was going to go until next weekend. I just looked at some of the buds and I’m seeing white webbing on some parts of main colas. What can I do? Should I harvest it now and save what I can? Chop the buds in question? Can I save the bud if I remove the affected area? Humidity has been in the 50s and as high as 67% for a short period of time. @ChittyChittyBangin @MidwestGuy @kellydans @1HappyPappy
Pics will help. Webbing can either be spider mites, but they are visible within the webbing, or mold. Crack open the buds and look for more effected areas. If it is mold, spray the whole plant with a 50/50 of peroxide/water and remove all effected buds.
If it’s spider mites, and you’re in the harvest window, I’d harvest. You have about the same chance of killing them as trump has of being re elected.
That does look like the onset of mold. You might be able to snip away small parts and not whole buds.
Damn frosty buds too growmie. Look tasty AF!
Thanks man, I think I may just harvest it tonight. I took a smaple bud week or so back and it smoked good. Was just gonna let it go another week. It’s my first grow and I don’t wanna lose it plus I got 2 autos in full flower that need in that tent.
Some beautiful buds my friend , Yeah I would break a couple buds apart Mold will have a smokey gray looking color. I’m not ruling mold out till you break a bud apart.
Good luck moving forward.
Well she’s been chopped and hung to dry, I was going for more amber,but overall I think it’s pretty good, 63 days in flower, add a week if from first pistils. I cut into the buds that had some webbing on them and there was really nothing inside except a little spot of brown on the one bud. Just clipped that out. So I’m thinking I just caught it in time. I watered lastnight thinking I would harvest this weekend so there a little wet.
I’d err on the side of caution then, PM ain’t gonna stop just cause you chopped. Id be drying those quicker than i normally would given the situation (lower himidity).
Beautiful flowers!
Yeah I’m going to be watching them, Got them in a 2x2 ,exhaust fan on medium and a fan pulling fresh air in. 73 and 52% humidity. Would you recommend a fan blowing directly at the buds or indirect?
I would have washed it all 1st bucket with baking soda and lemon juice and water. 2nd bucket peroxide and water. 3rd bucket just cold water.
@plumbdand can I still wash them tomorrow?
How long have they been drying
Never supposed to put fan on directly your goal is to be 60 temp 60 rh if you can get it close
If its mold Id stop drying it and wash it then start drying it again. The mold will spread while drying/curing/storing if you dont kill it first.
R u sure it not just frosy trichs? Im not seeing it. If it is there, in fact, whether it’s spider, mites or mold, it should be savable. The way budz are great by the
I just chopped it yesterday, so would be 24 hrs or so they would be hanging until I get to wash them after work today.
Looks like mold to me
I lost all my top colas from the tall plant for that reason a few weeks ago .
Sucks when it happens but all we can do is try to remove it and throw away any that has actually rotted