I will soon have my indoor grow experiencing a drought. I will be out of town and unable to water them for about 8 days. Now, I have done this before and when I get back, the plants are wilted, but with a vigorous watering, they come back. Now, what I want to know is this. Would it be better to trim fan leaves before I leave? Some sources say trim them and they won’t drink as much water while I’m away. Others say keep them because they will drink water and pass it along to the rest of the plant when it starts drying out. This is a hybrid grow, (Trainwreck) but is heavy on the Indica side, so the fan leaves are quite large. Any advice appreciated.
Good question. I tend toward the “trim some leaves to limit transpiration” philosophy
I saw a “hack” where 2 liter soda bottles were inverted into the soil mass to provide additional liquid. Use distilled so you don’t have to PH.
Was it @Laurap? @GreenThunder?
The later you go in flower the more they want to consume. Plus; the later in flower the higher the risk of a hermi if you allow them to wilt.
I’ve done something like this with house plants but not cannabis, though I imagine it’d work the same.
I’m currently using an autopot and other SIP units. I know it probably doesn’t help @tjfrombama right now, but if time away from your grow is a regular occurrence, I recommend autopots.
Never done it sweetie.
Stoner brain cells haha!
You tube diy auto watering system for plants there is a ton and just used distilled water.