I’ve seen some trim prior to drying while other wait and do it afterwards. I live in the “OH SO HUMID” city of Atlanta. I’m getting close to harvest (best I can tell) and want to have a plan ready to roll. Thanks for any good counsel.
I would recommend to separate nugs from the stems, and remove as many leaves as possible. I prefer to wet trim anyways.
I do both do what I can as long as fan leafs are off when wet take the bulk and if I need come back and dry trim to manicure the missed spots from wet trimming
yeah like @Covertgrower suggests, if you need to dry a bit quicker, the less leafy material the better.
I thought you were supposed to dry on the stems?
You can dry the flower on the stems, @Shaggy, however the OP mentioned high humidity. When you’re battling humidity it’s best to remove the flowers from the stems and reduce wet leafy material to prevent mold, so they dry out a little faster. You also can separate the flowers out farther to get better air flow instead of having all of them bunched up on the stems.
Oh, I got it now. Lol.
THIS is the info I was needing. I knew intuitvley that I would need to compensate for humidity, yet its my first “baby” so needed some advice. Thanks so much for the nudge in the right direction. I’m growing Gold Leaf… “Bergman’s” creation. Really trying to get it right. I sense I’m 1 to 2 weeks out from harvest… yet…NO EXPERIENCE…so??? Makes it a fun ride nonetheless…
Get a jewelers loupe if you dont already have one. That helps you tell when you’re ready to harvest.
What’s the rh and temp in the area you plan to “dry” the harvest?