Which is best THC or CBD?

Greetings guys! I have been searching for the type of strain that helps reduce pain deals with my anxiety and especially improves my sleep. I’m diabetic. Also i plan to grow for medicinal use not for selling. Hoping to you all for the help. Thank you in advance.


Welcome to the community :green_heart::metal:t2:


THC and CBD are completely different cannabiniods, so you can’t really compare which is better. They each have different attributes, the main being that CBD is not psychoactive. CBD is great for treating inflammation for pain and it can also help stabilize sleep. THC isn’t really what makes you sleepy. The cannabinoid that promotes sleep is called CBN. If you want more CBN, then you’ll need to let your flower ripen more than one ordinarily would. THC oxidizes to CBN over time and that is why the additional flowering time is necessary.

Welcome to the forum.


Well stated Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:


Hi I find high potency any strain helps with pain except tooth and headache. If the pain is caused by inflamation (-itis) CBD helps. CBD rub works unbelievably good. Better than edibles, for me anyway. Edibles probably better for deep sleep. My mother’s anxiety-driven BP came down since taking my homemade (full power, not CBD product), she says 'cuz she sleeps better. Sometimes the method can be more important than the drug. Finding what works for you and different effects will be an adventure and be stoned all along tbe way.


The only CBD-only strain that I am aware of is a strain called Elektra.


Thanks you for the welcome and your insights broadens my mind. :smile:

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Thanks helping me a lot.

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I’m starting with a small indoor setup for my medical grow and have gathered almost neccesary materials except for the grow lights which expected to arrive in 3days. Then I’m good to go. :smiling_face:

Heres ya a chart… this is terpines.


I think a lower THC and higher CBD will help best for your pain, and anxiety and help you to sleep.
CBD seems to be better for anxiety, and too much THC can increase anxiety.
There is a study mentioned in this article that suggests the higher CBD to THC strain (24% CBD to 1% THC) proved more successful for anxiety treatment than a balanced strain or a higher THC strain.

Also, while CBD can be good for mild pain management, THC seems to have a greater effect on the way the mind perceives pain. If the pain is from inflammation, then CBD would be good, if not then you may need more THC in the mix.
I would advise starting with more CBD, maybe a 10:1 CBD to THC, and see how that works; then, if you need more pain relief, try a 5:1 ratio.

There are some dosage suggestions here Consensus recommendations on dosing and administration of medical cannabis to treat chronic pain: results of a modified Delphi process | Journal of Cannabis Research about the amount of CBD and THC for pain.

This advises using a CDB dose starting at 5 mg twice daily and then increasing the dose by 10mg every 2 to 3 days until the goals are achieved or up to a maximum of 40mg a day. After which THC can be added by 2.5mg a day if needed.

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