Haha im just trying to get some advice on how to get these buds going in full gear!!!
Current setup in 4x3 tent
1000w air cooled MH light
Promix peat moss
Foxfarms liquid nutrients (tiger bloom,big bloom,grow big)
Bud candy and liquid seaweed
All around reccomended servings. Ph at 6.1
Any advice on what you use would be great!!
How long you been in flower I see lots of pistols
About 19 days
Just curious what others do with their nutrients when starting flowering.
It’s still early the first two weeks are transition period so growth is a bit slow they will take off and will pack the wieght soon
You should be feeding flower nutes definitely
So you have any type of bloom booster dry trio ?
I just been using fox farms nutes, bud candy, and liq sea weed.
I not familar with the budcandy or others
Let me do a bit along research on them
What is your medium?
You said metal halide, but the pic looks a lot like high pressure sodium? Is that the lighting or pic playing tricks on me?
If you’re not running hps that will have a huge impact on your bud development.
Good point @dbrn32 I run leds I didn’t even think about that myself
Well done sir
Thanks! I may have been overstating the obvious, as pic looks awfully yellow for a mh bulb. But thought I’d cover it before we all went sprinting out to left field trying to help a brotha out.
Promix peat
Yeah sorry i switched to hps youre correct
How long ago, when you flipped lights?
I think you’ll be good, like @Countryboyjvd1971 said. They’re gonna stretch out to that red light some, and then start packing weight.
I could be mistaken, but I thought bud candy was a sweetener? It should help make them frosty. If you’re looking to help bud development,and like the fox farms, maybe look at adding the open sesame and beastie blooms. Although you may have already missed window for dosing on open sesame.
I don’t use them, but it seems they provide what your looking for. Take it with a grain a salt.
Promix ph should be 5.8 just a FYI if you weren’t aware already @Smokay
About 20 days
I was not ty!
So if it gets too high i just lower the pH of the water right.
Yes when you feed or water you should adjust it to 5.8-6 ph and that should keep soil at the right ph
Peomix is considered a soilless medium so lower ph is needed @Smokay