When and what to prune so my little ladies can breathe and see the light?

I have 2 WW and 2 Gelato girls above ground 3 weeks now. I believe I am seeing my bud sites forming. My question is, when should I start pruning and what to prune?


As necessary to maintain good airflow within the plant’s canopy.


Hey @MidwestGuy …Beat me to it today.
I see this question so often I was sitting here thinking do I even want to answer this today.
To the original poster @firsttimr , you are going to get answers all over the place. People swear by their defoliating methods from light removal to wholesale slaughter of everything green. You will ask what is best, but the fact that people swear their technique works best even though its exactly the opposite of someone elses who swears the same thing just shows the plant is very adaptable and resilient. Midwest and I both let the plant grow pretty much as its genetics wants to. Keeping the airflow helps prevent bud rot. Other than that whatever you do should be for keeping the plant size manageable. The final amount of product you get is influenced more by genetics and plant health than by light penetration. The plant will form buds under big leaves because the leaves make food for growth and transport it to flowers. Light hitting a flower does nothing.


Good stuff in your post.


Sorry for the blurple light. But mine looked like that and I did this about an hour ago.

Three different plants aculpoco gold and Mendocino purp.


For me its about height these can only be 28 to 32 inches tall at the end tent is only 54 inches tall. I do find that buds blocked from light don’t ripen as fast as the ones in direct light.
Those plants look great. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks everyone. So what I have done is remove a few from the bottom that I fel were not going to get much light. I have sacrifice them for the airflow. I know it’s my first time doing this but I think I’m leaning towards the camp that feels the leaves are there for a reason and I want to work on learning better training techniques. in my pictures I did very minimal LST on one of each of the varieties and I can see a noticeable difference in size and rate of growth. This is so much fun!