What's this little guy?

Was looking at the plants tonight and noticed this on one of the colas of my Purple Kush, could this be a hermy? Didn’t see any others anywhere on it or the other plants. Day 54, in FF soil, pH 6.8 flush for last week. Have had a slight temp spike last 2 nights where it got up to 86⁰. I clipped it off just to be safe, wanted some opinions from the community.

Here’s a closeup


Yeah. Bud may be overdone. That’s what they do when left past the window. Not positive though

possibly a foxtail

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Just a new calyx releasing some pistils.


Dont give someone an answer unless you are 150% sure of what your seeing and saying. That doesnt resemble a hermie in the slightest. It’s just a clump of pistils the plant spit out. Nothing to worry about or care about this late in the grow.


@BobbyDigital & @imSICKkid help my head here please. Is a foxtail a new calyx on top of older ones or is it that new pistils are comming out of a older calyx? I had a w.w. auto that foxtailed (at least thats what the community said) an it looked kinda like @SCBuckeyeGrower 's picture.

Foxtailing is exactly what you described. This looks like a buried calyx that released its pistils. A foxtail you’ll see the calyx as well.

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Wow what a dang good looking bud. Thats something to be proud of right there.

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Thanks on mine I could see the whole calyx foxtail. Also I had my light too close & overheated the tops causing them. Someday I’ll feel confident enought to just say thats blah, blah, blah.

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I see posts every day I don’t answer cuz I am a little to unsure. Thats why we have the community someone else will get it. LOVE IT!!!


There’s also good and bad foxtails. Here’s an example of bad and good


mine was similar to the second one (good?) thanks. Also I didn’t realize there were good & bad another thanks.

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As a grower you’d prefer neither but the latter is much better than the former.


It’s kinda like the lesser of two evils lol


Sounds like me in the voting booth


Just delete my post. I came here to share my experience and gather experience not to be told what to say.

I’m not telling you what to say, dont be petty. I’m simply telling you not to tell someone they have a hermie. You sounded very sure in your opening statement. What happens when that grower sees your response and chops of the cola of a chunk of bud over nothing? Just be more sure of your advise or answers if your helping another grower.


@pillsbury genetics play a part in foxtails sativas are more likely to foxtail and your purple strains have a higher likelihood for some reason. Foxtail that happen naturally are the ones considered “good” and the ones caused by heat and or light stress are considered “bad” and will actually have less THC because of the stress but the naturally occurring foxtail will have no effects on the THC they are just less appealing to some


Thanks man, and I am, even with a mess up with nutrient amounts earlier in flower(way too light) this has been a great grow I think.

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Thanks everyone, always great to learn more!!!

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