Mine would be one of my gg4 autos. It taste like makeup smells:rofl: and of course it’s the bigger one out of the two that I’m running
Terpines are largely responsible for taste and smell, but I’m not aware of a terpine, or combination of terpines, that smell like makeup. lol. That’s a new one.
Sour Diesel
Yeah it’s my first also on that terpene. It’s my luck to find a new phenotype of that nature. Going to name it green is the new black…
@DoneDeal What kind of makeup? Lipstick ? Blush, eye shadow etc. What brand?
@2GreenThumbs , was going to say Revlon instead of makeup but I didn’t want y’all knowing I ate paint chips and lipstick as a kid
I was wondering what was going on brother. Ya know when we was kids we all had a bag of liquid mercury we played with, now I read the stuff will seriously mess you up. Nobody told us.
I laugh about the makeup as I had a sister that had lots of it so I use to be current on the makeup.
Cindy Crawford wore Revlon, she was hot
@2GreenThumbs this is why I hangout here!!! More fun than a barrel of monkeys
today would be a choking hazard so I bet it’s gone the way of mercury, and lawn darts
And jacks!!
The strain woody. Taste like straight wood. Gross
@Bluntsmoke no thanks unless you infused it with a kickass steak
Cat piss, smells and tastes like piss…super stoney though.
I can only imagine how it taste. My aunt had a cat piss in her car and it was impossible to ride in.
Itvwas like that too, opening the bag was a decision you had to consider, do I really wanna smoke???
Oh that’s bad… Think I would have to sell that car.
Damn that’s bad!! At that moment you realize you are a true smoker:rofl:
I loved lawn darts!
A little off topic maybe, but back in the hard drug days my buddies and I got some blow that smelled and tasted like somebody’s cat had pissed on it while it was out on a table or something… It was SO strong. And we still put it up our noses… Like an eight ball of it. Talk about living an anti drug commercial.
i snorted a few couch cushions in my day