If your still using the fox farm nutrients there should be no need for additional nitrogen (the earthworm castings) Fox farm trio has tons of nitrogen. Save your castings for another time
I would just patch it up and keep it as clean as possible to try not to waste any depending on the size of it but you should be fine with a patch job.
@Lostgirl I don’t have proper veg newts though and even though it’s in f f o f my runoff is down to 200 ppms so I wanted to use some worm castings to try to give me some nitrogen
Hello everyone, JustWanted to show my progress of getting this film done and getting these lights hooked up. It is so hard to get this film nice and even I just said f*** it and stop worrying about the ripples LOL. Now I’m going to mount a 2x4 going across so I can put my lights on it.
So I finally got the 2x4 put up. The rafters in my house were off so I had to slant it because one side of the wall the rafter was 12 in from the corner and on the other side I didn’t find a rafta for a whole 22 inches so I just wrecked it up and did the best I could. I only have two screws going through the bottom on each side so I’m going to throw some more screws in it tomorrow to get it sturdy and hang the two 1200 watt wakyme lights along with the HPS and maybe throw some small LEDs in the middle of everything. I don’t know I probably won’t need them but I just wanted to show what I had going on I welcome all opinions to the fullest. Thanks!
So I got the 2x4 mounted and wrapped it with some film and got one of the lights hanging up there on a tie strap. Going to take the other light out of the small closet and put it in here. So is this looking okay? Anybody see any problems with anything?
@Lostgirl @merlin44 @OGIncognito @DanB all right well I got the two 1200 watt LEDs and the 250 w HPS hooked up and got all the foil laid out and everything got the girls put in in there and it is looking good. I took everything out the small closet and just put it in there, I was going to put two small lights for clones and stuff and use the closet for that but I figured I could just keep it in here for now. Anyway just wanted to show my progress here you go
This is what I am trying to revenge after harvesting. I hope I left the right Bud’s on and did it right. I didn’t cut too much off did i? Is this plant going to come back?
Their future is so bright they gota wear shades. Nice job .
@Lostgirl @merlin44 so now that I moved the HPS to that back bar, I drape some of the reflective film over the front bar and put a piece of wood on the bottom so it hangs but really want to improve this and would love some ideas. I went and bought a shower curtain from the Dollar tree and tried to put the curtain on the bar but it was blowing so bad with the fan I figured it was pointless that I might as well just put the film by itself but I want to make it so I could slide it over when I want to expose the area you know. Eventually I’m going to get a big piece of ply wall or dry wood while I really just said ply wall or drywood LOL but anyway eventually I was going to put a big piece standing up to block off half of the room but just trying to see what would be the easiest temporary thing to do
What you have done looks fine to me.
know I have a lot of questions but wondering what y’all would do in this situation. So I got a full sheet of drywall 8-ft long that goes from the floor to the ceiling it’s 4 ft wide and the space is about 5 and 1/2 ft wide so I’m trying to decide if I’m going to put the whole piece of sheetrock on one side of the room or if I should cut it in half and put a 2 ft section on each wall and have a little opening in the middle. How would y’all go about doing this?
Hi I woud like it against one side. Also swinging on hinges. But drywall wouldnt be friendly to hinges unless lumber added.
But thats what Id do, 1.5’ to squeeze in or open up for larger objects
I would go with something light weight like 1/4 inch (or thinner) plywood or luan. I would also prefer a white surface to reflect the light.
That said, I agree with @Jaysittinback.
@merlin44 well I went on a mission for this piece of drywall and had to hold it on the roof of the car on the ride back home and then had to squeeze it in the room but managed to get it in there so it’s already in there LOL now you have me thinking about the hinges idea, I didn’t even think about that but that would be too much work I’m just going to have to go with the easiest thing. So just curious what would be the problem with splitting two feet on each side you know putting a 2 ft piece of drywall on the left and a 2-ft piece on the right and leave the whole opening in the Middle where I could just drape a piece of film down I guess it wouldn’t make a difference I guess it would be better to go on one side with it that way it would be easier to move things in and out of the room if I had to
When it comes down to it, we all just put together whatever we can to get the job done. You will not notice much of difference in your plants regardless how you hang it. I am not even sure you will notice a difference with and without the divider.
@Jaysittinback look at those architectural drawing skills
@merlin44 @Lostgirl @Jaysittinback okay so I’ve been at work all evening and thought I had it together but not liking the outcome. I put the wall up and this 18 in of walk-in space ain’t s***. So I would either have to move my plants deeper in here and readjust the lights. Or cut the sheetrock in half and do 2 ft on each side or cutting 6 to 10 in off of the sheetrock so I have more walkspace. What y’all’s opinions on this? Here is some pictures of what I got going on sorry about the s***** light it’s hard to take a picture with this film