What's the best way to put this film in my grow room

So I ended up coming up on a roll of this vivo Sun highly reflective film. I’m just wondering the best way to lay it out in this room. I really would like to separate half of the room to make my growth space not as big I was thinking of putting some of the film on a piece of plywood or something maybe making like a privacy wall with it. Well I’m also wondering what is the best way to attach this to the wall? Thanks for the input everyone.

This is a picture of the film and the room I want to get right. All ideas are welcome

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I attach Panda film with a stapler. Not an office stapler, the kind that we use in the workshop and whatnot.


@merlin44 yeah I don’t have one of those. So what kind of film is this that I have? This is not considered Panda film huh? This is reflective mylar right?


I don’t know what you have. The brand of mine is Panda. The brand doesn’t matter. You can get a stapler at any hardware store.

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@merlin44 yeah I was thinking about using Scotch tape then I read something about spray adhesive, I seen the Staples suggestion too the only thing is this film is extremely thin like seems too thin to be able to staple


Fold scraps of the material into a 1" square two layers thick. Staple through that.


Okay so you don’t have to put that many Staples in it? Only the corners and middles? Don’t really have money for a staple gun right now neither LOL what is other ways I can put it up?


Staples or screws, whatever it takes to hold the stuff on the wall. Is best if the film lays relatively flat to the wall. You could use the spray adhesive that you mentioned. Anything at all that will get the job done is fine.

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@merlin44 okay cool, here’s another question if you don’t mind. How would you go about making the room smaller lengthwise with the film? I seen somewhere something about a shower curtain but then I’m wondering if that would cause too many wrinkles. And I’m thinking of putting some film on some plywood and just making a barrier. Please give me some thoughts on this

It sounds like you have a handle on it. If you don’t need your barrier to be light proof, you could just hang the film from the top with a stick clamped to the bottom of the film to weigh it down.


@merlin44 exactly what you just said that’s what I was thinking of doing. Attach the film to the ceiling at half of the rooms and just let it hang down. I have another question, when I’m putting this film up is it okay if it overlaps or does it have to be cut perfectly?

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@Lostgirl can the film overlap each other or does it have to be cut perfect when putting on the wall?can the film overlap each other or does it have to be cut perfect when putting on the wall?

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Nothing needs to be perfect. You can overlap it cut it a little short whatever


@Lostgirl okay cool. You know my questions never stop LOL I came up on these earthworm castings and I’m wondering how I apply them. I know they are for the vegging plans for the nitrogen but I’m wondering do I just throw some on top of the soil and water it in or can I mix it with my water when I water the plants?

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Just my 2 cents but if using a spray adhesive air that room out good after and remove the plants before hanging the film. Nice looking ladies though!


@Lostgirl @Truetopath @merlin44 so I started to try to hang it and it is a pain in the ass. I am using little I said clothes holding tacks but it’s hard to get this stuff flat. So I’m noticing wrinkles throughout it and I noticed a couple of scratches maybe from when I cut it but I’m wondering how big of a difference for that make and then I’m wondering about is it okay with it not being flat against the wall?

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I think you will be fine.


I used staples myself, and some aluminum pipe tape to seal the tops and sides. The tape is reflective as well and blends nicely. Holding well on ceiling and for floor.


@DirtyChef420 okay this is what I needed to see, so the way you have the wrinkles in there is okay? That’s what I’ve been wondering. Also I think I cut through and scratch the piece when I cut so it has a couple marks in it do you think I should redo that piece or patch it with another piece or will it not make a difference. I mean I am OCD and want to do it pretty good But take the easiest route also you know. So what do you think about this situation? Should I take this piece down and do another one and try to keep it as fresh as possible??

@Lostgirl hey check this out so I put one of these tiny humidifiers in the dry cabinet to test it out and it’s been in there for about an hour and the numbers were looking good but it shoots a small mist out, I don’t think the Miss would hit the buds but what is your opinion on this