What type of soil is best?

Hey all- I’m completely new to growing and looking to grow my first plant. I just ordered super soil for autoflower and also ordered Miracle Gro. Will this mixture work?

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Miracle grow is not MJ friendly

Ok what do you suggest?

Viagrow coco coir from home depot is what I use with great success( their multi packs are pretty cost effective) but you have to use hydro nutrients


Depends on what super soil you have. If it’s amended and buffered specifically for cannabis, then you shouldn’t need any other soil to mix with it.


Get your self some Fox Farms Happy Frog (or anything really that’s not MG) it’s much too hot and has time released nutrients that will overload the plant and burn it. FF soils are less hot and better suited for Cannabis and you won’t need nutrients for the first 4-6 weeks, I’m only on my first grow but I’ve had amazing success with Happy Frog, I use 1/4 strength General Hydro Nutes every other waterings


There’s always the FoxFarms soils. Also have heard good things about Roots Organic and Coast of Maine.


Fox farms happy frog or Fox farms ocean forest are both good soils for growing cannabis. Some people layer both with the Happy frog on top.


Innert mediums are easier than soil. Like Coco coir. No guess work. You feed everyday. They are also technically hydroponic grows. And come with all the benefits of hydroponics. Faster and greater growth.


Everything said above is great info, but I’ll add Mother Earth Coco Peat to the list. I’ve been using it for years now. My plants and I love it.



I think that is what I’ll be doing when I start the next grow, bottom 1/3 of the pot OF and the rest HF

As well as using HF I do add around 10oz of recharge and Great white mycorrhiza the day after watering, not so sure if that’s necessary but I can’t say it’s hurting them

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BTW Welcome to ILGM forum :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Welcome to the forum .Alot of good choices. i would add some extra perlite to help with drainage and oxygen to the roots…


Ocern forest has enough nutes to last 4-5 weeks but it’s a little hot for seedlings Happy frog is easier on seedlings but only has enough nutes for 3-4 weeks start feeding when the plant starts showing signs of nutrient deficiencies or a little before that.


Agreed, add some perlite I think I did (1) 2cubicft bags w/ (1) 8oz bag of small perlite. Fabric pots help to cause it’ll self prune the roots and allows for the soil to dry out and drain from the sides during watering and feedings but if using fabric pots they’ll need to be elevated so pots don’t sit in the runoff and kill your plant from the bottom out

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Dont use miracle gro soil its not cannabis friendly get ur self some hp promix or happy frog


Wow! That’s a lot of great information you all have shared. Any advice for the first grow?

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Have you invested in lights? If not, please get some advice about what to buy. Lots of good choices, but easy to get suckered into buying inferior lights.

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I add perlite to my FF soil even though there’s some already in it. I use a bunch of it in my garden and my greenhouses along with a whole bunch of other stuff. I only keep my plants in FF for 6 weeks then I transplant them in the ground

Yah stay relaxed dont freak out and dont micro manage your grow and u will be right thats the most important thing i could tell you honestly .make sure u have a good ph pen have ur ph between 6.0-6.5 dont over water ur plants