And TY the colas are getting almost as fat as a cigar… Some are as big as a fat cigar or banana…
Phenotypes express differently within a given strain. Some of the colorful pistils result from exposure to cold temps too. Others not.
It could be 2 weeks IMO. You really don’t want to rush it now. Start thinking about water only if you haven’t already.
@Myfriendis410 yes started plain phd water last 2 feedings and another this morning…
@tlc4235 exactly what @Myfriendis410 stated.
Otherwise you have a great looking grow. I can’t wait to get this far… patience I don’t have it. Ah!
Mine before harvest
I lowered the temps on mine and got some pretty decent color, but the color has no affect on the flower. BB is in my daily rotation. Fantastic taste and aroma!
@bob31 thats what im looking for but also have Northern Lights growing too so cant lower it much… I dont have enough space n my tent too cool it down bc i have 2 300 wt leds that are putting off some heat 4 fans… Maybe they are getting too hot? figured they might b bc tips are burnt… Btw awesome looking bud!!
@Covertgrower i dont either been checking on them a million times a day but it goes faster than u think… Started my 2nd grow Amnesia Haze but only growing 1 plant as ive failed 3xs already w this strain… I think the cure is whats gonna dtive me nuts waiting on lol
and the color has nothing to do with the smoke, believe me! I wouldn’t worry about it in the least! @tlc4235
You’re right, it does go faster than you realize. I’m only in the second week of flower, but it’ll go fast. I still have a bit of stash left from the first grow… @tlc4235
Here are 2 cut off i took from my most ready looking NLA…
@bob31 @Covertgrower @dbrn32 what do y’all think??
Difficult to see from the picture, but they appear to be mostly clear? @tlc4235 with some cloudy.
@Covertgrower yes thats what I see too…
Those look better. @tlc4235 flowers are the best for deciding when to harvest.
I agree. First ones clear, last milky for most part
@tlc4235 I’m not picky, and when I see mostly milky I chop it. Unless I think she needs to do more bulking. Then maybe just a bit more. It’s a tough call reading plants sometimes! @dbrn32
@Covertgrower tell me about it… Not sure if i should cut them down or grow alil longer…
I went ahead and chopped the top off mostly cloudy trichomes… Not washing this just gonna hang to dry then the cure starts…
22g wet…
Let the other buds go a few more weeks. Still a lot of swelling to do when there’s still mostly white pistils.