What’s wrong with my plant?

What is the paper towel supposed to do?

A recommendation, FWIW

Drying and curing is 3 weeks to a month. If you shortcut the steps, you will wind up with an inferior product. You can take samples a little every weeks to see the improvement, but if you rush the drying and curing you will be disapointed!

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Be very careful doing this but it works. It may be too late for this harvest but you’re better informed now.

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@bob31 it put moisture bk into my flower or brought out the moisture still in it… Im getting some paper bags today so i can take them out of the jar too dry correctly then bk too jar… Im n no hurry after 3 months already…

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@Myfriendis410 i only cut off a bud still have 4 full plants too harvest and DONT want too make same mistake and ruin it all my Blueberry Auto is look scrumdeliumschous !! :slight_smile:


@bob31 we you cut down and put n paper bags do you cut all stems off and just put nugs n or how to you “hang them” to dry? The humidity here n my room is about 10% so I put my cut up stuff too hang it’s dry n a day… that’s y I totally want to skip the hanging up and straight into paper bags… Thx 4 ur help!!

Could you hang them and put the paper bags around them? I know @bob31 will know

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@MattyBear yes I can hang brown papers bags around them but don’t they need fresh air?? @bob31

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As long as you open them for a few minutes to let fresh air inside a couple times a day.

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@MattyBear How long should I leave them hanging after cut down its been 3 days and they are a little moist but are starting too dry out bc I live n a very dry climate??

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Are the smaller bud stems snapping yet? If they are only bending, I’d let them hang a little while longer. If they are snapping, then start jarring. You don’t want to jar too early though.

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@MattyBear yes small ones snap but thicker ones just bend…

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Sounds like it’s time to jar them up then! Make sure you burp them a few times a day for the first week or two until they start to stabilize around 62%. Do you have a few small hygrometers that you can put in the jars?

@MattyBear yes i have one but thats it I have it n a jar of a some buds I harvested early w the boveda pack it stays at 58% humidity and temp around 70F… So i can take this one out and put it n the new jar… I bought the 32oz Mason jar and not zoo much yield after dried so should b able to put it all n jar leaving enough space for air… Im also harvesting my blueberry autos today… I sure hope these smells get better when I pulled them they still smelled great now starting too smell like hay which some say is the chlorophyll??

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Yeah they can smell like that for a few weeks while they cure. If the other jar is stable I’d put the hygrometer in the new jar. Congrats on the recent harvests too!

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@MattyBear Yes its stable its on week 3 in cure so Im sure I can take it out and put it n new one… TY so much!! =)

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TY just hoping not too screw up all my hard wk… As Ive been told this is where the rubber meets the road…LOL

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I definitely can understand that! I hope they turn out great for you!

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Well here is my last BBA fat azz colas!! I’m pretty proud of my first grow… all plants are down now so I’m gonna cool down my tent see if over next 24hours I can get it turn turn blue like the pics… then this one will be dried n my tent with 60% humidity for first few days… I’m finding even when paper bags still drying out fast not the next day like my first cola but not 2 days they are dry… here’s some beautiful pics of her b4 she goes down…

These Colas are twice as fat as lighter doesn’t really do these babies justice…:blush: @Covertgrower @bob31 @MattyBear @Myfriendis410


Do whatever it takes to slow down the drying time. That’s the best thing you can do. 7 to 10 days is best.


I agree… we need to see if we can get your dry times a little longer. Maybe having a humidifier and a small fan pointed at a wall in the drying area would help.