What’s wrong with my baby?

I saw one leaf on Friday with some small spots but now about 25% of the leaves have followed suit. I have four other sisters in the tent getting all the same watering/feeding schedule rotation (calmag, GH nutes, molasses feedings once a week) and this is the only plant misbehaving. Thoughts from the learned populous? Thank you!!

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Can you provide a picture with natural light? Or darkness with a flash? Thanks.

Will have to tomorrow my girls are sleeping now.


Looks like bug bites to me, most likely spider mites


Do they follow the veins of the leaves? That’s where the spots start

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That does look like spider mites to me as well
I’d give thorough search including under the leaves

I agree a pic in white/natural light would help

If you do find bugs (they’re tiny) you can use “Capt Jacks Dead Bug” to eradicate the pests


I saw that in the picture and I’m not 100% on following the veins but I think it looks like spider mites you have to get some kind of magnifier and look around mainly under the leaves to be sure

Not seeing any sign or symptoms of spider mites. Rolled a qtip under the leaves: no fecal specks or webs. I am :thinking: thinking this girl maybe needs a little more CalMag than the rest?

I took my loupe out and saw no signs of em.
Strangely, it’s just leaves that are toward the center of the plant (did some LST after topping) if that helps. Thanks again everyone. I am in week five of flower so I am a little more protective of the girls right now.

It is my Jackie the Jack Herer if that also helps.

I’m stumped but that doesn’t take much

Let’s call the big gun
@Hellraiser , you know what this might be?


My guess is still bug bites but I’m not a big gun


I agree with bugs. Calmag will usually be dark spots. Good luck! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


I’m still not convinced little invaders are messing with my girls.I did a more thorough look at my leaves this morning and have yet to find any spider mites or any signs they have been around. The tent is in a separate cellar with indoor air control so it stays pretty free of bugs. What other bugs can do this?
To be safe I did some selective defoliation of the leaves that were blocking light and air. I took those leaves outside to really check and nada. I’ll do a check of my run off pH and do a soil check to rule out soil bugs. I’m super stumped and I really appreciate the ideas, it gives me something to check for and watch so keep them coming. Thank you all!

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Hey @peachfuzz @Myfriendis410 can y’all take a look at these photos above and see what you think can possibly be the problem?

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What’s your runoff numbers and how much cal-mag are you using and what brand…?
Also , what is everything that your feeding them and at what measurements… ? to a gallon of water…
Dose look suspect for bugs tho… :face_with_monocle:
:v: :sunglasses:


The nutes are the GH Flora trio and I use 4-5ml each per one gallon every other day, clear water the next. I use Botanicare calmag every other watering ( so depending on the day of the week I start that rotation it is once or twice a week) and organic blackstrap molasses 30ml in one gallon, was once every two weeks now once a week. My runoff looked to be almost 7 this last time but I did just put in the molasses water yesterday. I usually get a slightly more acidic reading when I do so It may not be a true reading. I’ll give it another try tonight. I don’t go too deeply in the minute measurements as the rest of my plants seem great so I figure healthy looking = happy plant. My Jackie is the only outlier. As this is my first grow I wasn’t super focused on huge yield, just plants that are alive at the end of it :joy: and hopefully get a small amount of medical for my needs.


Certainly looks like bug damage rather than a nute issue.


Alrighty I’ll keep looking. Maybe hang a fly strip up and see if I get anything that way. I haven’t found any fecal specks yet. Should I isolate the plant? Thanks again everyone for your help

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How are you measuring your ph and ppm’s ’ as in what tools do you have for the job… ?
:v: :sunglasses:

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